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Everything posted by Jimbo762.au

  1. Can I make 2 requests..... Can the HK-416 and 417s be ported to ACE 2? and can we also get the Kimber Custom 2?
  2. I have an odd issue. None of the laser range finders work. I have a battrie I look into them and "re-load" "Fire" nothing happens ideas?
  3. Jimbo762.au

    Raising Weapon When Crouched

    Something like a low ready position would be nice: Or a patrol position with weapon at the hip.
  4. Jimbo762.au

    Disable Admin Voting

    Would it be possible to create a server side option to disable admin voting?
  5. Jimbo762.au

    The need for Afghan mountains

    I would love to see some nasty arse mountains. Snow extremely steep inclines type of ground that takes you 1h to move 100m horizontally because you have had to maneuver vertically to find a safe path. [MG]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3009/2344279825_0e4966e5c1_o.jpg[/img]>100kb Rough as guts.
  6. Jimbo762.au

    Tank Desant

    .50cal rounds won't do much if anything to a tank however they will tear anyone sitting on the out side to shreds. Tanks and APCs draw fire, sitting on one will never end well for you. Plus most of them are loud noisy and hot from the outside.
  7. Jimbo762.au

    Signed VS Non Signed?

    Yeah the BISIGN file is used server side to check the client side PBO and makes sure ever ones PBO do the same thing. PBOs can be modified so your weapons are more accurate, or you have less recoil etc. So if you do modify the PBO to do something like less recoil it would no longer match the BISIGN file and the server will kick the client.
  8. Functioning Night Aiming Devices (NADs). However not like CoD 4: Just a light green dot on the target.
  9. Too look awesome! Why else put them in if they don't work.
  10. If you wanna talk about real, you don't try and look through an aimpoint with night vision you use a Night aiming device of some kind. Such as:
  11. Are the HK-416s and HK-417s being ported into A.C.E. 2?
  12. Jimbo762.au

    compass when zoomed in

    I think the theory that BI were working on would have been you can't look at your compass while you are looking into the sights of your weapon.
  13. Do you take a torch when you go out on a stroll at night?
  14. Yeah...... No. Light on the battle field emminating from you very bad. Basically makes you a white, green or red target in the night....
  15. Jimbo762.au

    More animals

    Didn't know what the dog was when I first saw it at about 300m so I shot it, poor dog.
  16. Jimbo762.au

    Can't move while tossing grenades?

    Yeah if you pull the pin of a grenade, you are not moving until you have heaved it long a clear. I don't know about you however I like to try and not turn myself into pink mist...
  17. Jimbo762.au


    I wanted to cry when I saw that ArmA 2 had a M8 (XM8). However, that only made me half as annoyed as when I found out when ArmA 2 didn't have a HK-416. Can we please have one? or 10 with ACOGs 40mms and so on..... Also a M110 both suppressed and unsuppressed would be good too.
  18. Porting over Jonny's Army SF, they were very good. However making the Long Range Recon skins more long range and less kitted up. Eg Caps or Bush heats as a posed to helmets that type of thing. Here are 2 photos of Australian members of SOTG in Afghanistan: As much as it would be nice to have some Aussie SAS skins they are more just for reference for the amount of kit they are wearing and beards etc. Also some unconventional units in civvie clothes that type of thing.
  19. Jimbo762.au


  20. Jimbo762.au

    Bayonet/knife poll

    I have fired a rifle with a Bayonet on, I have fired a rifle with out a bayonet, I have moved through pit with a rifle with a bayonet and with out a bayonet, would much rather a rifle with out a bayonet.... There is something that has not been said. Take a standard Australian Infantry section (those who have severed in other countries Infantry units feel free to add in) 9 man section, 2 F89 Minimis (M249 SAW) 2 F88s with GLAs (M203) a bayonet can not be fixed to a Minimi or a F88 with a GLA so of your 9 men, 4 can not attach a bayonet. Take this to an section on ops probably only 7 men this leave you with 3 men with a bayonet that can be fixed to their rifle. As I have tryed to say I am not saying do not include a bayonet, by all means do, but make it part of a broader melee option.
  21. Jimbo762.au

    Bayonet/knife poll

    Righto, I am not saying do not include a bayonet, I am saying put in a melee, that is a but stroke or a muzzle prod and turn that into a bayonet poke if you have one fixed, like in Red Orchestra. Also my the bayonet the trade off that it really is, put on a bayonet and make the rifle less accurate and give it more recoil (attaching the bayonet altars the harmonics of the barrel thus increasing the recoil). As for saying no one butt strikes, watch these Aussie recruits doing bayonet drill, funny enough a butt strike is used... HERE!
  22. Jimbo762.au


    Ah but SF units are starting to use it, including Force Recon.....
  23. Jimbo762.au

    Bayonet/knife poll

    Yes Bayonets worked well when it took 30 plus seconds to get you weapon to fire. Why are you trying to stick a bayonet in someone where you have to be 1m away when you can shoot them and keep your distance from them When it all boils down to it the only time you are not going to shoot them is when you pull the trigger and your weapon doesn't go pop. If you want to then fix you bayonet and hope they don't shoot at you while you do it. Bayonet training is still used today because it teaches "Controlled Aggression." All I was doing was putting froward the other side to the argument.
  24. Jimbo762.au


    Would have thought it would be important to keep the game up to date with up to date bits of kit.
  25. Jimbo762.au

    Bayonet/knife poll

    The use of fixed bayonets is no where near as common as the use of a butt strike, that was the all I was trying to say. As much as bayonets are cool and doing bayonet drill is fun the first time. A butt strike is more common and more practical, especially when clearing building because putting on a bayonet adds approximately another 200mm to you weapon which is not the best when clearing rooms.