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Everything posted by JOGR

  1. How do you disable HDR? It's way too exaggerated. I can't see anything but blurry stars by night. I have to switch the NV on and off to get a quick glimpse of my close surroundings. Hardly realistic :j:
  2. JOGR

    Disable HDR!

    Nope I'm already running it on a laptop so I won't crank up anything that would hit performance.
  3. JOGR

    Is IS a big deal!

    Actually, I was trying it offline with AI only when this happened. Maybe the mission got screwed up, because the lag remained after restart and resume. Oh well, the RV engine is pretty complex and shit happens I guess :D
  4. JOGR

    Disable HDR!

    How do you figure? Like I was saying, everything is clearly visible when I switch to NV, but after a few seconds it fades to black. It's clearly a HDR issue. It is too exaggerated! Noticed how everything glows? Seriously? Check the official screens. It is not my 7950GTX card :j:
  5. JOGR

    Disable HDR!

    Right. Maybe you should try a night mission in a vehicle using optics. Good luck.
  6. JOGR

    Graphics Options

    It's the same engine but with more features. I guess both use shader model 2.0 and 3.0? Unfortunately, because of CPU limitations and increased AI complexity, I can't run ARMA 2 with the same quality I run ARMA. I have to disable all post/AA and lower the resolution. However, when running in windowed 1280x on my 1920x display it looks sharp and clear, and with good fps. Just a hint "-window".
  7. Yup ordered it last week and got it in my mail yesterday. Not one day too early because now it's sold out in Sweden and nowhere to be found. Phew... I smell success for BIS :) Congrats!
  8. JOGR


    Came to think of it. Are there civilians in Superpower/Warfare? I didn't notice any my first test run. Would be neat if you could ask around in town if they seen anything suspicious recently. Maybe it's just a campaign feature? Oh.. (off topic) it would be even more awesome with a script so you can recruit civilians to join your team :) Maybe not realistic, but neat nonetheless.
  9. JOGR

    Patch 1.02 makes image blurry

    I'm not a fan of post effects, so I run with it disabled. On my 1920x laptop LCD display, running ARMA2 windowed "-window" in 1280x made the image crisp. I don't even need AA.
  10. Runs great on my laptop with Vista 32. Core 2 Duo, 7950GTX Go 512.
  11. Don't get ticked off by Codies disinformation agents/fanboys roaming around trying to discredit and ridicule ARMA2. When it comes to military realism, complexity and depth, both online and offline, then ARMA2 stands alone against the mass. Naturally, a simulation of this complexity is bound to have problems at first, but they will soon be ironed out by BIS and the dedicated community. Doubt it not.