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About JOGR

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Military stuff
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  1. JOGR

    Ai thread

    AI / Micro AI is already awesome. It adapts well and handles most situations ranging from large scale battles to a few units clearing out urban areas. What would be a nice improvement is AI using buildings more effectively. Ambushing from cover should be hard coded and work with unscripted missions. Also, AI commanders in warfare should be able to buy AIR units for both transportation and assault. It worked well with Oden warfare, Swedish forces.
  2. JOGR

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    Units is something this game have plenty of. More official maps with WF support would be nice however. Granted it is a lot more work to create good enough maps compared to making new units, but as for now ARMA OA only have two, Chernarus and Takistan. A more realistic VBS style map for large scale warfare would be awesome. Even if less detailed, a huge map with life sized cities would offer a new experience to the series. You would have to rely more on air force and transportation to get around. Just a thought :D
  3. JOGR

    AI use AIR in WF

    Yes I only play vanilla. Sorry for being unclear. Using mods prevents me from picking up where I left off. I normally play rather huge CTI/WF vs AI commanders that can take hours to win on expert. AI commanders need the ability to buy air units. Skies feel empty and makes offline WF half-arsed. Also. What happened to the "Seen anything?" conv script? In OA you always get "Yes I saw something" or "No I didn't see anything" ?? It was the only useful part of that script! Also. Civilians and civ vehicles doesn't work in OA WF. It's too bad bec civ wheels are often the saviour when you are stranded and in need of transportation. Civs also add atmosphere! Now Takistan is a ghost island with empty cities :/ very post apocalyptic. With those features fixed ARMA 2 OA would be close to perfect. It's the only military grade sim with dynamic and unscripted battlefields (WF) that combines strategy, tactics and FP action. Just a thought
  4. AI commanders buying air units should be optional to balance SP WF offline. AI use Air Support On/Off.
  5. JOGR

    Remove the All Sensing AI

    Maybe spawning makes a loud supersonic bang :D
  6. Make sure to put your team (especially infantry) in "Danger" and "Keep low". Also, using Line formation in open ares (with flanks covered) and Column on streets seems to work the best. They still spread out taking cover from behind walls and such. In urban areas I also use "Advance" a lot while covering my team from behind checking the flanks. Normally, my team advance in a leap frog manner covering each other automatically.
  7. I agree with this poll. I don't play the campaign though. I spend more time in the editor then on the battlefield, and so far the AI is delivering above expectations.
  8. JOGR

    Realism, arma 2,

    You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts. Don't get ticked off by Codies disinformation agents/fanboys roaming around trying to discredit and ridicule ARMA2. When it comes to military realism, complexity and depth, both online and offline, then ARMA2 stands alone against the mass. Doubt it not.
  9. JOGR

    ArmA II is #1!

    Congratulations BIS !! The true spiritual succesor of Flashpoint is here, and it's kicking Codies A$$ big time :D
  10. Movement speed in ARMA is realistic. It's not sluggish. Could be a performance issue.
  11. JOGR

    Remove the All Sensing AI

    Also, it's easy to forget that AI teams communicate and therefore may know your position even when out of LOS.
  12. JOGR

    Sm 3.0

    You can run windowed "-window" if you want to lower the rendering resolution and keep your monitors native resolution. I run it windowed in 1280x on my 1920x LCD.
  13. Any console command for extra credit in SP Warfare/CTI? I always run out when I need it the most. :D