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Juicy Zu

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About Juicy Zu

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  1. Juicy Zu

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    I'm personally disappointed in the Campaign. So far that is. I haven't really gotten that far into the campaign, but so far it is disapointing. After the first mission in OFP I was satisfied. It was more in-depth with the in-game. The story was told with cutscenes. I don't like how the story is told between missions with the little slideshows. Other than that I enjoy the game. I'm kinda upset that I get low FPS in the city areas and when I'm by foilage, but I got an older computer so I really can't complain about that.
  2. Juicy Zu

    ArmA Addon request thread

    Anyone here happen to be from COMBAT! Addons studios? I really enjoyed their Humvee and Bradley packs for OFP. Good detail, many variations.