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Everything posted by Jago_XDF

  1. Jago_XDF

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    yep, it's on 60Hz, newest drivers too. Trying the latest ones too. Tried everything barring a reformat. I think if worst comes to worst I might just send BI the bill for a new PC
  2. Jago_XDF

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    tried it. Don't work. Tried upping up the arpeture settings too, still no work. Tried the hotfix, not working, still crashing with occasional createbufferindex error. Set custom settings to virtual memory (set it to like 3 or 4 gigs) still not working, still get the crash. I even flush every now and then and still no joy. This game is uselsss. Why is BIS releasing new crap if they can't even fix this joke they call a game? Anyone have any more ideas?
  3. Jago_XDF

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    1.05 works fine (i have euro version). As soon as i patched to 1.08 the game would crash about a minute after loading. Tried fresh re-installs, tried uninstalling, defragging and then reinstalling, all without any luck. Specs ae as follows: P4 2.8 GHz, 1.5 gigs of ram, ATI Radeon X800XT 256meg gfx card, soundblaster live 5.1 sound card and still have plenty of hard disk space left after install. Any ideas?