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Everything posted by Jeff2121

  1. Jeff2121

    Bad Performance on Decent PC

    Um...I believe, using my infinite wisdom, Newegg.com and Wikipedia, that this is BraTTys specs: AMD Athlon XP 4000+ 1GB RAM DDR2 256MB ATI Radeon X600 XP Home Edition Thats all I could get...
  2. Jeff2121

    AimPoint Desert Weapons 1.3

    Bravo Bravo! This is a fine example of the M4, he he, I almost thought they were real when I saw them. I applaud!
  3. Jeff2121

    Bad Performance on Decent PC

    Well, if I can somehow manage to cram an 8800GTS into a PC from '01, I'll be fine. I mean, I can get some decent FPS...by my standards while using a couple HMMWVs with .50's and a Marine Squad fighting some commies with a BMP-2, and all I have is a 6150LE. IMHO, you shouldn't be complaining, your PC is better than mine in the GFX department, and equal in every other respect, except I have a single core AMD Athlon 3200+ 2.2Ghz.Â
  4. Jeff2121

    Bad Performance on Decent PC

    I hate Vista, I have on my new PC too! Good thing I have XP on my PC in my room, but I don't think an 8600GTS will work on a Motherboard from '01, will it?
  5. Jeff2121

    OFPEC & Opf.info gone?

    Yeah, I found OFPEC, just after I posted this..I was like "Oh..". My internet was just being slow, but I can't find ofp.info
  6. Jeff2121

    OFPEC & Opf.info gone?

    Yeah, I found OFPEC, just after I posted this..I was like "Oh..". My internet was just being slow, but I can't find ofp.info
  7. Jeff2121

    OFPEC & Opf.info gone?

    XD, ofp2.info. When did they switch, and where are the OFP AddOns? Â
  8. Jeff2121

    OFPEC & Opf.info gone?

    XD, ofp2.info. When did they switch, and where are the OFP AddOns? Â
  9. Jeff2121

    Bad Performance on Decent PC

    If you have about $1,600 your willing to spend on a monster gaming PC, try this one. Â http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883227033
  10. Jeff2121

    Bad Performance on Decent PC

    Meh, ArmA is too poorly optimized for my PC anyways, I'll wait until they can fix it up. If they can fix it up. Â Besides, the 512MB 8800 is about $400, so if your willing to shell out the cash for a card that'll prolly be about $200 next March, go for it.
  11. Jeff2121

    Bad Performance on Decent PC

    Uh....try getting at least 3GB RAM, an 256MB 8600GTS and...um...a 2.5Ghz AMD Athlon 5000+, cause Intel sucks when it comes to Hardcore gaming
  12. Jeff2121

    Vix Stryker

  13. Jeff2121

    GRAA Modpack 3.0

    I just got the mod and finished installing it when...I try to run it and the textures are completely screwed up. Kinda like when you have a conflict with addons. I'll try to post a screenshot of what it looks like in a few minutes. EDIT: Fixed it, I just had to add -NOMAP to the shortcut
  14. Jeff2121

    F55 Feuerlilie released !

    Very very very nice. Now all we need it a Wasserfall to complement it
  15. Thanks! Â Â It helped quite a bit.
  16. I feel like an idiot asking this, but how do I install the mod? I tried the hard way, by copying and overwriting everything, needless to say it ended in disaster... I couldn't find any documentation on how to install it in the thread though.
  17. Jeff2121

    SCUD - Nuclear Explosion

    Cool! Now all we need is for Gaia's nuke to do some damage!
  18. Jeff2121

    Operation Farmland Mod

    Cool! They sure do look scary, though
  19. Jeff2121

    Trouble with mission Air superiority

    Don't waste ammo
  20. Jeff2121

    How does the new hardware play OFP?

    Right now on my PC, I can't even run OPF on medium. But, I'm upgrading it for the first time since '01, and its a massive upgrade, Nvidia GeForce 8600GT 512MB, AMD Athlon X2 +5000, overclocked at 3.0Ghz and 2GB OcZ RAM I'm not sure, but I'm hoping it can handle ArmA on at least Medium, might be overkill
  21. Jeff2121

    Airsoft & Paintball and those in between.

    I kinda lost count of how many Airsoft guns I have ...I know there's a G36C around here somewhere
  22. Jeff2121

    Operation Farmland Mod

    Hey, could someone post a link to d/l HP2. I can't see to find it in the massive wave of posts...or OFP.info. :P Cheers!
  23. Jeff2121

    ECP explosions with the Y2K3 mod?

    I don't think ECp is b-c (backwards-compatible), so you'll need the files from Y2K3's version of ECP to work. Good luck with that! BTW, I can't find ECP anywhere, could you post a link?
  24. Jeff2121

    Reserve Parachute

    Well, my idea is simple. If you bail out of a plane or jump out a helicopter, your parachute isn't always going to work flawlessly, sometimes it fails you have to pull your reserve. I was thinking if this could be implemented in OFP somehow, maybe using the 'destroyed' parachute as a model for the tangled one, and creating a new model in O2 for the reserve. And to pull your reserve, there would be an action on the menu of somewhere along 'Pull Reserve Chute'. Which would eject your regular parachute and replace it with the reserve model. The reserve chute would fall faster and have a sharper turn than your regular chute and you would have a risk of injury, but you wouldn't die using it unless you were already near death. So, there's my idea, what do you think?