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Everything posted by Jeff2121

  1. Jeff2121

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    P4s are massive waste of money these days, I would get an E6600; they're considerably better and you can basically run with pratically no lag. BTW, I was thinking of upgrading my PC to something like this: CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4Ghz Dual Core GPU: eVGA 8600GT 256MB RAM: 3GB DDR2 OS: Windows Vista Home Premium and I was hoping I could turn it all on max, except AA, AF and Res; does anyone know how this would run??
  2. Well, instead of being an insensitive ass, you could've posted a link or maybe the post that said something. Hell, even a page number. If you still need the info, Holt, I'll get it.
  3. Jeff2121

    Cleaning up the ol' editor!

    Yeah, set them up and use good ol' trial and error to sort them out. :P
  4. Jeff2121

    Addon-free cti missions?

    Ah well, I guess I can settle for a little bit of addons, maybe around 10 or so. Anyways, how do I set up a mod folder, well, what file structure do I use?
  5. Jeff2121

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare...

    I would, even though there are no physics (still!?! and it's nowhere near realistic; although the SP is fun, the AI is rather stupid and usually overwhelms you with sheer numbers and firepower, than using actual tactics. And when you hit a checkpoint, you can backtrack through levels, but not even dead bodies are left, no weapons either, very dissapointing. The only fun mission was "All Ghillied Up", where you have to go and sneak past a bunch of Russians in Chernobyl, and fight dogs. Very cool. The last thing was how short the campaign was, and how pathetically mind numbing the USMC missions where. MP is awesome though, you can call in Heli Strikes, UAVs, Artillery and you can make your own guy with unique looks, perks (special abilities), and weapons! Great fun! Single Player: 2.3/5 Multi Player: 4.8/5
  6. Jeff2121

    Gaming console - recommendations?

    Meh, I'm pretty sure that's wrong, because according to BIS and the official site (www.arma2.com), as well as numerous other sources (IGN, Playstation Universe, Youtube, E3 '07, G4, etc.) ArmA 2 is avaliable on both next-gen consoles, the 360 AND the PS3; it also includes the USMC but no SAS , hoping the console version doesn't turn into another OP:E and actually has addon support! If ArmA 2 follows the recent trend of video games, I should be able to run it on my 6800. Cheers, mate! Â
  7. Jeff2121

    Sc-fi fighter/gunship

    Cool! I hope it turns out okay. Â Cheers, mate!
  8. Jeff2121

    Project Alien

    I'm praying to God your joking, and if not. Yes, THIS is the Alien Mod thread. Welcome!
  9. Jeff2121

    Sjb weapons pack

    Alright, I got it to work. Thanks!
  10. Jeff2121

    Sjb weapons pack

    Well, I have two questions about SJB Weps Pack. I just d/l'd it from Ofp.info, and it comes in .cab file; what I'm wondering is, just how do I get it to work? Do I just place the .cab file in the AddOns folder? Or, do I have to use a PBO encrypter for it to work? Any help is appreciated. Cheers, mate! Â
  11. Jeff2121

    Sc-fi fighter/gunship

    You should make variant's, like one with a Cargo Bay on the back, as well as a 20mm nose-mount and rocket pods for transport and fire-support; and one with AG and AA missiles for CAS.
  12. Jeff2121

    Operation Farmland Mod

    The Farmland Mod Compilation Set. Buy it today for only $79.99, and enjoy your favorite horror movies, up close and personal!
  13. Jeff2121

    Strange "problem" with GRAA+ECP+SLX

    Well, I have a problem with custom faces with GRAA. So, that might be your problem, just get rid of them, unless, that's not a custom face. Â
  14. Jeff2121

    ET: Quake Wars demo

    66Mhz? What do you play on? HTF do you run OFP at all?
  15. Jeff2121

    AK-74 or m16?

    Actually, the M16 uses 5.56mm ammo, and it does roughly the same amount of damage that a 7.62 would, it has something to do with the type of gunpowder that is used. Some soldiers say it "tumbles" through the air.
  16. Jeff2121

    Operation Farmland Mod

    HP2. But I was looking for the Vampire one, cause Vampires & Werewolves vs. Navy SEALs & Army Special Forces = Pwnz0rs
  17. Jeff2121

    climatic changes, what do you think about that?

    Yeah, people say "Oh, its nothing" or "Fuck you, its not real, end of story". I'm like "WTF, I need more proof", so I'm kinda in the middle, but leaning towards the "Its a real problem" side.
  18. Jeff2121

    ET: Quake Wars demo

    Sounds JUST like Halo, which should've been a squad-based shooter, kinda like OFP
  19. Jeff2121

    OFPEC & Opf.info gone?

    Thanks Warrior, now m problems are solved!
  20. Jeff2121

    OFPEC & Opf.info gone?

    Thanks Warrior, now m problems are solved!
  21. Jeff2121

    OFPEC & Opf.info gone?

    Nope, ofp.gamepark.cz doesn't work for me, I never used gamezone.
  22. Jeff2121

    OFPEC & Opf.info gone?

    Nope, ofp.gamepark.cz doesn't work for me, I never used gamezone.
  23. Jeff2121

    Bad Performance on Decent PC

    I get decent FPS with everything on normal, no AA or AF. And I have a 6150LE!
  24. Jeff2121

    OFPEC & Opf.info gone?

    It's okay, I found my ArmA Serial Key and CD again So, I can ask some of the peeps on OFP2 to re-open OFP.info, cause some of us wub OFP wif all r hearts!
  25. Jeff2121

    OFPEC & Opf.info gone?

    It's okay, I found my ArmA Serial Key and CD again So, I can ask some of the peeps on OFP2 to re-open OFP.info, cause some of us wub OFP wif all r hearts!