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About Jansku

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  1. I don't know how many of you had the priviledge to take part in original OFP competitive clan vs clan leagues, cups and tournaments. Only person i recognize by username here is Celery who for sure were there with his bunch of Mercs and who was part of team scandinavia when we won team USA in the world cup finals:p Man those were the days. Since that there has been a void what comes to competitive realistic fps games. When first ArmA was released, everyone was hyped about it being ofp with improved graphics and gameplay. Unfortunately with ArmA the clan vs clan side of the franchise deteriorated and vanished allmost completely. Now after so many years of waiting that perfect game, ArmA III has caught my eye and my hopes are up again. So Celery as i see you being a part of the dev team now, what is your take on it? Do you think it is possible to return the glory days with AA3, where the game was actually playable from mid range to cqb capture the flag matches and where pvp/coop communities existed side by side without problems.