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About Jacobss

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal


  • Interests
    Theology, Formula 1, OFP/ArmA, books and Star Wars.
  1. Jacobss

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    Everyone know it . We heard about it a long time ago . We will get a live streaming from the ArmA II presentation. Edit: It does mean more than only the videos. It means info, presentation and videos .
  2. Jacobss

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    Your idea with the name is great . I agree that BIS should change the name for ArmA II. I don't really now, why they are using this boring and disappointing name "ArmA" (eventuelly Armed Assault). If someone (who didn't ever heard about Armed Assault and OFP) will thinking about buying ArmA II, will probably first check all reviews from the previous game and will see, that this game isn't so great. ArmA 1 didn't even had a video review on gametrailers.com The review from IGN was not so great too . Personally, I think they should change this.
  3. Jacobss

    Full ArmA2 website on 1.9.

    Can't you see the wounded soldier being dragged by his teamate? Anyway, September is only just over a month away But, why do you want wait for September? Everything will be present at Games Convention on 21 August. Probably all what BIS will put on this website 1st. September, we will get on Games Convention.
  4. Jacobss

    Full ArmA2 website on 1.9.

    The new trailer, screenshots and probably the release date, will be reveal on Games Convention in Lepzig. It will take place on 21 August, so you don't need to wait for 1st. September.
  5. Jacobss

    Full ArmA2 website on 1.9.

    It was confirmed in the past, that you can switch the sides. I don't now when it was confirmed, but you can search and find it in the topic "ArmA 2 Press Coverage".
  6. Jacobss

    Full ArmA2 website on 1.9.

    Maybe not, but those guys (BIS) have potencial to do it even better. We can see what they've done in last 6 months, so we can imagine what they will bring us in the next 6 months. Personally, I don't believe this game will be available this year. There's still much work to do. What's did impressed me most, is the grass. Look at this, it's much more larger than in ArmA. Of course we can't see the whole grass, becouse of smoke, but it's still looks very good.
  7. Jacobss

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    did you see the bullets on the soldier's backpack?They are just textures not 3d models. Did you read what Ohara (Lead Artist from Bohemia Interactive) wrote? Everyone who has followed ArmA from the beginning knew, how the characters have changed during the development. After this what Ohara wrote, I'm sure, that the same will be with ArmA II. The textures on the characters (or the bullets) will be better.
  8. Jacobss

    Game Engine?

    Is this so hard to look at BI Wiki? http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Real_Virtuality
  9. Jacobss

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    Did you heard about new stuff in VBS2? This new stuff is really amazing, many of them ist that what should be in Game 2. For me that means BIS can do this, but first for VBS2 for more money. Then later for the normally games. I'm too dissapointed with every new info about ArmA II (okey, I'm not with info about RPG Elements), but I every time believe, that BIS will do it for us. We don't now what they have for version of ArmA II in there Studio. This what we have seen, means not that this is everything what they done. And of course they can do this what they promised, but first for VBS2 (look new list of features) and perhaps later for us. We all now how BIS like deleying there products. I'm pretty sure, ArmA II will be first release in 2009. They will get enough time to do this features. People, we have ArmA, we should play it and waiting .
  10. Jacobss

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    Yes, this are new Videos! Thank you for link
  11. Jacobss

    Request Polish Community Support

    I can help too. I think my voice will be for this ok. Just contact me and say me what should I do.
  12. Jacobss

    ArmA II on Xbox 360

    For all people, who didn't now, that ArmA II will be on X360: http://www.bistudio.com/developers-blog/arma-2-expectations_en.html http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....2;st=30 Look too on press release. Placebo in topic "which console" confirmed the 360 version of ArmA II. In PM he said, the version on 360 will be for sure. BIS at Invex confirmed this version. Is this enough to belive, that the 360 version will be?
  13. Jacobss

    The Recluse campaign

    I've completed this campaign and I must say, this is the campaign, which is sometimes better than the original from ArmA. Is is really good. The Story isn't perfect, but it have some nice moments. The Main Character "Nicholas" is based on James Gastovski, what can make very happy. Who didn't like this character in original Flashpoint? The Campaign ist short, but the Author made great job and it is easy to see, how many work he did with this. It is very nice, hard and exiting. I can recommend it for everyone, who is fan of Flashpoint and ArmA and like the missions with snipers and night. My note is: 9-/10. Play this and you will return to the old times with Flashpoint and character like James Gastovski.
  14. Jacobss

    ArmA II on Xbox 360

    I have made this topic, becouse I think, we should speak about ArmA II on 360. The same topic we have with PS3, well it is time, to open the same topic, but about 360, not PS3. As we now, ArmA II is only confirmed on 360 and PC. We now, that Microsoft does not allowed, to do the same things with addons, what Sony allowed, well we can only get the "official" Addons on XBL Marketplace. It is of course bad, becouse I'm pretty sure we will get only 2 or 3 expansions, becouse we can only get this, what BIS will make. I wonder, which resolutions will Arma II on 360 supporting. Does BIS do only 720p, or they want do something "higher" and they will do 1080p resolution. it is for me verry importent. And I wonder, if ArmA II will have the same content, as the PC version of the game. And what about release date? Will BIS release both versions, at the same time? Can you confirmd this Placebo? Sorry for some mistakes, English is not my native language.
  15. Jacobss

    ArmA 2 on PlayStation 3

    I think, we should first ask Placebo, if they are planning a version of ArmA II on PLAYSTATION 3. Then we should speak about the possibilities of ArmA II on PS3. For now, we haven't any announcemnt of ArmA II on PS3, well I think it is not sure, if this version would be. But, if they will realesd this, they should do the same with addons, what Epic Games made with UT III.