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About Jaentzen

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    Private First Class

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  1. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2078034659 CVW-11as the first of my Carrier Air Wing packs. All 4 Super Hornet Squadrons are included with low and CAG skins.
  2. Yes, Super Hornet Beta has them.
  3. Skinpack 2019 Super Hornets Hello @everyone, meanwhile all active US Navy Strike Fighter Squadrons transitioned from Legacy to Super Hornet. Because of that I decided to create another Skinpack for this great plane. It includes a total of 33 skins of the squadrons listed below: VFA: 2 Bounty Hunters, 11 Red Rippers, 14 Tophatters, 22 Fighting Redcocks, 25 Fist of the Fleet, 27 Royal Maces, 31 Tomcatters, 32 Swordsmen, 34 Blue Blasters, 37 Bulls, 41 Black Aces, 81 Sunliners, 83 Rampagers, 86 Sidewinders, 87 Golden Warriors, 94 Mighty Shrikes, 97 Warhawks, 102 Diamondbacks, 103 Jolly Rogers, 105 Gunslingers, 113 Stingers, 115 Eagles, 131 Wild Cats, 136 Knight Hawks, 137 Kestrels, 143 Pukin´Dogs, 146 Blue Diamonds, 151 Vigilantes, 154 Black Knights, 192 Golden Dragons, 195 Dambusters, 211 Fighting Checkmates, 213 Black Lions. Missing Squadrons are either equipped with F-35C or are Training-/SupportSquadrons. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/393837867547492363/658708711426097185/unknown.png
  4. Hello Islefan, the mirror-effect on the vertical stabilizer is caused by the uv-map of the aircraft. I have no idea at the moment how to fix that. VFA-195 had no spectacular cag skin in 2017 according to my research. Btw, the vfa-102 e-version was not made by me. I created the 2017s. But thanks for your reply. Cheers
  5. Yes these repainted vehicles in the German Armed Forces sometimes look very funny Marseille. I think you´ll enjoy your former service-vehicle.
  6. Hey, I´ve a problem: around my map is a huge wall. how can i define the height at the maps borders? hope you can help me greetz Jaentzen
  7. Jaentzen

    USS Nimitz - WIP

    Was waiting the whole day for this!!!!! Any chance of testing it tonight??:D
  8. Jaentzen

    USS Nimitz - WIP

    Why would you like to party??:D
  9. Jaentzen

    Can´t open rvmat....

    Tried it with unrap but it didn´t work. Thats so frustating.
  10. Hello everybody, i was working on my map for month and now while bringing it ingame, i get an error in the game editor reporting that an rvmat can´t be read. Does someone know this problem and is able to help me? Greetz Jaentzen
  11. Jaentzen

    USS Nimitz - WIP

    Great work!!!Do you plan to create tractors (like ammo carriers, towing trucks, etc)?and will it be possible for ai to land on the carrier? Greetz Jaentzen
  12. Jaentzen

    Schmalfelden, Germany Map

    can´t wait to see "bundeswehr"-troops on this map!!!
  13. Jaentzen

    FFUR-SLX 2007 2.0

    what about csj hueys instead of the blackhawks?they are in use even today!