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Jimmy reptile

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Everything posted by Jimmy reptile

  1. Jimmy reptile

    1.05 Causes performance Hits.

    I have similar performance drop with 1.05. Its about 5 to 10 FPS. System specs: AMD Sempron 2800+ 2.0 GHz 1.5 GB RAM Radeon 9600 PRO anisoFilter=0; TexQuality=1; postFX=0; gamma=0.874176; brightness=1.111568; useWBuffer=0; fovTop=0.750000; fovLeft=1.000000; uiTopLeftX=0.000000; uiTopLeftY=0.000000; uiBottomRightX=1.000000; uiBottomRightY=1.000000; sceneComplexity=300000.000000; shadingQuality=0; shadowQuality=0; viewDistance=1657.228394; terrainGrid=25.000000;
  2. Jimmy reptile

    Restart during Arma launch

    1.02. I`ve installed latest drivers for SB audigy and game finally started. But now i cant play any media files as Baddirectsounddriver message shows. Driver Jezus...
  3. Jimmy reptile

    Restart during Arma launch

    I was playing Arma for some time and never had such problems. Today game start crashing during launch. After reinstall, i have the same with such difference as PC crash. Last two squares during run-up arent checked. Eariel today, i had problems with sound card, but reinstalling whole sound solved that problem. Whats wrong?
  4. Jimmy reptile

    Remove the ability to eject?

    Make UH60 locked. I think its possible to unlock it when its on the ground. In old good WGL you didnt had ability to jump during the flight.
  5. Jimmy reptile

    Patch 1.02 Released for Czech and German ArmA

    Placebo could you tell us when to expect polish version of 1.2? Is it a matter of days or maybe week? We`re few days after game release in Poland and now its very hard to play online as 90% of the public servers are on 1.2, and usually on that 10% of 1.1 version theres not much more than 10 people playing
  6. Jimmy reptile

    AI Helicopters

    I have another problem. SP works, but for example if I have a squad of human players in the heli controlled by Ai, WP transport unload isnt working. Heli is flying on the waypoint, stops at height of 40 meters and isnt landing. Same problem was in OFP:RES. Also this time, sometimes Ai chopper isnt unloading Ai squad. It only happends in MP.
  7. Jimmy reptile

    1.01 PL Patch?

    Polish version of Arma is out in the stores. It was planned that it will be 1.01 already, but it isnt. I`m wondering if BIS is working on a patch for polish version and when it will be released.
  8. Jimmy reptile

    Join in progress (JIP) and possible problems

    I`m still worried about mechanics of JIP, because until now we had lobby where players were choosing roles, different squads and things like that - then the briefing where team leader was able to change his teammates equipment and than mission starts. So now, with JIP - what about choosing roles, weapons?
  9. Jimmy reptile

    Join in progress (JIP) and possible problems

    I was wondering about in game joining system used in AA. Players could join anytime and play missions like CTI without hours of waiting, which is good idea, but what about joining in cooperative missions? I think it would ruin whole coop type if new players would spawn in the start point any time they want. Coop in OFP is great with roles selection, briefing planning etc, so will it be in the classic style we know, or open for everyone?