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About Jarppi

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I actually got it working pretty nicely with a little drop-abuse. The next question is however, is there a simple way of checking if unit A is facing unit B (or at least in the general direction)?
  2. Yeah, the flashbang animation could be good. But the playmove isn't really the hard part. I was trying to get any ideas on how to implement any kind of believable pepper spray. Actually, pretty much everything else seems to be somehow out of my reach than the animating the effect.. :D How to initiate the spraying? Should I use a simple addon-weapon and eventhandlers to detect when the terrorist is hit with it? Or should I use an action to initiate a more complex scripted cutscene-ish action sequence where the player (aka sprayee) sprays the terrorist with invisible spray (though with particle spray-effect) which would result in the terrorist holding his face and squirming?
  3. I'm looking to implement a variety of less-than-lethal options in my mission, but I'm having hard time figuring how to get a working pepper spray in the game. The functionality itself is going to be pretty simple. Any player (of six) needs to be able to use an pepper spray on a terrorist when they're less than ~3m from him. When hit, the terrorist dude should just play a stunned animation (any). Put a cherry on top with a few small clouds of particle smoke or so to depict the spray itself. Pretty simple, in theory at least. Even so, I'm stunned myself, any ideas?
  4. Jarppi

    Balkan war mod w.i.p

    Do forgive me but shouldn't the correct designation be ZSU-57-2, instead of ZPU-57? As far as I know, ZPU designation was only used with ZPU-1 -2 and -4 AAGs. ed. Quick googling brought me these two pictures. http://www.primeportal.net/artillery/dan_rowbottom/zpu_57-2/ So I'm guessing, ZSU = self-propelled while ZPU is not.
  5. Jarppi

    ZU-23 AA Guns

    Nope, didnt mean that. If you read the topic a bit further back he promised a non-modernized version also. The original two-seater without the optical target designator.
  6. Jarppi

    ZU-23 AA Guns

    I still not be finding teh non-modernized version of the gun?
  7. Jarppi

    ZU-23 AA Guns

    Happy family incident. Sounds like a newborn to me. The addon will be released soon. No-one ever said it wouldn't be. So please, be patient.
  8. Jarppi

    ZU-23 AA Guns

    Well since BIS released the modding tools, it shouldnt be a problem anymore? Just mount it on Ural?
  9. Jarppi

    ZU-23 AA Guns

    That's what I said. Where'd you dig up those sights? I couldnt find any, so if you could url me those?
  10. Jarppi

    ZU-23 AA Guns

    Does the truck shake when you fire?
  11. Jarppi

    ZU-23 AA Guns

    Yeah, well guess it does depend a lot on nationality, but I wouldnt mount zu23 on anything like that. As I said, it has gigantic recoil and if mounted that way, it WILL move around and a lot, resulting in people having to push or pull the gun around to avoid having it slip over the edge. 975kg of gun falling on someone prolly would do some serious damage.
  12. Jarppi

    ZU-23 AA Guns

    Actually, ZU wouldn't be mounted on any vehicle like that. It would be in its undeployed state (*clicky*) and have these largish cylindrical things (lavapukit) beneath the gun's land disks(?) (maalevyt). (Pukit) would then be connected to each other with metal bars to keep them steady. Nothing big or drastical, but just for your information. The difference would just be that the gun would take a bit less horizontal space, and would be mounted a bit higher up. A single (pukki) would be about as wide as one of guns land disks, and some 30-40cm tall. Again, just in case you wanted to create these. And btw, even a finnish Masi is a very unstable firing platform for ZU. Even Rasi swinged a bit when fired. The recoil on the gun is humongous.
  13. Jarppi

    ZU-23 AA Guns

    I'll see if i can hitch a ride to Hyrylä in the weekend. They have to have a Sergei, hopefully with optics. I'll give you a heads up on friday or saturday bout that \o_
  14. Jarppi

    ZU-23 AA Guns

    I'm a volunteer for testing, afterall, I do know the Zu quite well. Doubt you'll need another tester for just an addon, but just in case then. Keep up the excellent work.
  15. Jarppi

    ZU-23 AA Guns

    Nope, nothing like that either. Imo that looks like something that might be the new optics for the modernized version. Actually, now that I think, I don't think a Soviet AAG sight would have separate intervals for HE and AP types of ammo, since we (and they afaik) link both AP and HE shells in the same boxes.