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About Jok

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. Jok

    Twilight 2000

    the only game i play that is like the one displayed here is the one, the only, the legendary "Jagged Aliance 2". came out in late 98 or early 99, cant remember. with the JA2 V1.13 mod its the ultimate RPG/Strategic/Tactics merc game up to date. players that like sandbox games are bound to check it out.
  2. Jok

    Which guns do you own

    @Master gamawa well as greek we saw how fast you guys get unrest...police shoots one young guy and the anarchos go nuts. is the total gun ban from recent years? i draw the line at legal and illegal guns. if you own guns leagaly and the state knows about it all is fine. if you are a criminal and have illegal weapons in order use it for bad things, its a no go. quiet simple for me.
  3. Jok

    Which guns do you own

    ouch, that sucks, you have a regime type government thats afraid of civil unrest? where are you from? are they still rather new by chance? nagants in arsenal condition are coated with some sticky stuff to keep em from rusting, that makes the action somewhat sticky when they get warm or hot. or its it the weapons fault? youtube got some vids on that, how to make them unstick and where to polish them to make the action smoother. just search for "mosin nagant" on youtube, you find plenty of interessting stuff there to tune them up with most simple means.
  4. Jok

    Which guns do you own

    my collection is tiny so far, just one rifle :D a mosin nagant 1891/30 in decent condition, receiver/barrel stampled 1938, pre war production from Ivhesk(dont know how to spell it) with good machining quality, not like war production types, stuck to a post war romanian laminated stock. nothing special but rigid and reliable, i like it.
  5. Jok

    Military Discussion Thread

    i am sure they do the trick, russians are good inventors after all. the thing i wonder about is since when the soviets care about crew survivability... . this was never their concern so far and their strategic thinking was not centered around survivability, but achieving superiour mass at a weak point to force a break through that can be followed up, no matter the cost. i guess the russians are about to arive in the counter insurgency warefare age, lets see how they fare with it. and tube launched 152mm ATGM´s of 7000 meters or more range is a huge bonus. that is bad ass, if that is true the NATO analysts will surely break their heads again how to counter the threat. many older soviet tanks can fire tube launched ATGM´s and their standoff range is in theory about 1000 to 2000 meters more then the compareable NATO equivalent. so its no new invention in the T95 but just the last incarnation of an ongoing tradition.
  6. Jok

    Google Ceases Censoring in China

    the violent morons are the ones that got illegal guns, they dont give a damn about gun laws. a gun free society is at mercy of the criminals that own illegal guns...think about it. possibly 99% of the guns in somalia are illegal, just to satisfy your case, and no law in the world can remove them. anyways you guys are good servants of the state, have fun till the day you look down the barrel of an illegal gun. if you live to tell you get some guns yourself, i can say that much for sure.
  7. Jok

    Military Discussion Thread

    T34 and PzIV´s with long 75mm compeat for the best tanks of WWII. maybe you can throw in the panther´s too. all the others suck in a way or the other, they cant deliver a well rounded package.
  8. Jok

    Google Ceases Censoring in China

    lol and that comes from a brit :D and germans arent much better off either. many smart man said things like "a country is only as free as it´s gun laws". so much for freedom in the EU, especially in GB it is he worst place. China, north korea and countrys like that have gun laws like in GB. these fuckers, called EU parliament, passed a new EU law bout guns that needs to be made national law in any EU country till mid 2010. f*** this! they transform EU into a "dictatocracy" with video cameras everywhere "to your own protection". i heared better jokes then beeing free in the EU. wake up people!
  9. Jok

    A.A. Drive by on Insurgents

    lol nice vid. i wonder how long the US economy can keep this up. i thought iraq and A-Stan are to be sustained for as long as possible becouse it is good money. yes they tell they want to pull out but that is politicians BS, someone earns money big time over there so they stay for as long as they can. but at one point US government will be utterly broke and simply cant keep up anymore. this will be a quiet embarrassing moment when this happens... :D spent billions, the free will have lost a LOT of freedom and what they got??? NOTHING(oil possibly, though), its hilarious already actually. http://costofwar.com/ thank "god" i am no US taxpayer.
  10. Jok


    interresting! unfortunately they try to make a remake of something thats perfect it seems, no sequel...!? thats the IMDB plot; now they got a chick that was not in the original movie and the story doesnt seem to be like the original too...well this looks bad but there is hope if nothing else :D i wonder how they want to top the bad ass "models" they build back then with lousy CGI effects...ah well lets see.
  11. Jok


    id rather see a sequel to john carpenters "the thing" "prince of darkness" "in the mouth of madness" (you can catch all of them on youtube btw.) all 3 where perfectly set up for a sequel.
  12. it seems hardly anyone plays rise of flight. its a great game with even better planes. WW1 aviation FTW! there the dog fights really get close up and personal :D (screenshots are not my own, picked form the screenshot thread at the RoF forums)
  13. Jok

    US Army HMMWV program is dead.

    you guys should guess less and read more...the humvee surely wont be replaced by a truck. this would result in worse off road capabilety(sp?) then the uparmored humvees have now. if they have it their way sometihng caled JLTV is in the pipe. http://www.dailytech.com/US+Military+Look+to+Replace+Humvee+with+New+JLTV/article17583.htm
  14. i dont see what people have against micro management. 1. CMx2 games are no micromanagement hell like games as the Anno XXXX series. i like this games though, but people are put of at times by the micromanagement. 2. micromanagement is good. it keeps the game from being flat and simplistic. it adds depth, complexity and decisions for the player to make and execute. in short its a good thing. 3. if YOU dont like micromanagement, go FAR away from CMx1 or CMx2 games!!! at the end of the day you can still lasso a large formation and send em around the map in C&C style. this works but there shouldnt be any enemy in sight when you do that :D
  15. hi there, i just downloaded ACE2 a few days ago. i have to say i am not really happy with it. my problems with it are these... 1. crashes, when i start ARMA2 with ACE 2 i got "arma.exe encountered a problem..." error a LOT more often then when playing without ACE2. also when one finally joins a server without ACE2, rare find this days, ACE2 players joining this servers are creating problems and error messages. 2. whats this large cone of fire for all the small arms weapons? i try to shoot someone from 150 meters and bullets are flying by to the left and right of the guy but not where i point the red dot/iron sight. in ACE 2 small arms shoots like 1700th century muskets or so. 3. over modeling of some other systems. i dont have first hand expirience here but what i read about the over armored M1A1 was enough. i dont know if that is fixed by now. 4. the wounding system is good and nice, but there is too many medical equipment. thats maybe one thing i would get used too but right now i am overwhelemed by the many medic items like morphine, ephedrine, bandage and large bandage and blah blah. my biggest problem with all these is that there is no where a description to find about what does what. also the radio(PRC77 or so), what is this good for? its mighty heavy but i found no real use for it. so in the end i regard vanillia ARMA 2 higher then the same with ACE 2 loaded. ACE 2 got good ideas and intentions but i find the execution of it at some times more then questionable.