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About Jonny_2LI

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Jonny_2LI

    Protect & Serve

    Just hope the officers don't need to swim, or you could even make some police Divers to go fetch their weapons for them...
  2. Jonny_2LI

    The Middle East part 2

    Simple solution to the Middle Eastern problem, you simply kill everyone out there and sell it to Butlins to set up a few Holiday Resorts, without the locals its a shit hot place to visit to be fair. But what about the cost you ask? Simple, you bury all the Sand Choggis in big pits outside of the holiday homes and use the fumes from their decomposing corpses to create a gas and harness it as raw fuel for electricity.
  3. gaymuthafuckingshitheadedfuckingwaltingarmchairexpertcuntingshagheadedfuckfacedtosspots,ne phalim you are a cunt, a pure and utter, utter cunt. JDB you have the "in the know" knowledge of my foreskin and whats more, you smell like it also. All of you, chill the fuck out, these units are toss, stop bigging them up when you all think the same thing for feck sake.
  4. Tim, where did you get that info? I heard the same thing...
  5. The A2s a good weapon if you know how to look after it, its more weighty than most modern rifles but its fairly easy to maintain. The only proof you need is to look at 16 AA, 3 Commando, and now 12 Mech in Afghan. The A1 was a little more a pain in the arse, required a high level of maintanence but it worked. The LSW is now a DM (Direct Marksman) rifle, a good shot ie sniper badged personnel can score strikes at 800 meters with the Susat fitted, theres rumour that the optics will be upgraded on the weapon system but its unlikely. The first bunch of 'Sharpshooters' are being converted correctly using the LSW this year.
  6. Jonny_2LI

    ArmA Addon request thread

    Just waitout for the UKF kit, I'm sure you won't be dissapointed we're very much active.
  7. Jonny_2LI

    Weapon bug While Swimming

    I hope it is a bug because its an unfortunate side affect to an otherwise brilliant achievement over OFP.
  8. Jonny_2LI

    Weapon bug While Swimming

    I agree 100%, river crossing drills are well taught and practiced, your weapons slung tight across you're body if its not resting ontop of your Bergen/Day Sack that's commonly used as a floatation aid (understandably not here). I could understand Farmer Jack loosing his 12 gauge whilst treading water, but not a professional soldier and this feature severely impacts what could be a great addition to Amphibious CRW units. Picture a Seal Team operator addon, after a parachute decent into the ocean swims silently to a ladder hanging down from the oil rig laiden with terrorists, he scales the ladder in the dead of night and gets to the top. He goes to grab the weapon slung across his... Wait, ahh crap its now on its way to the sea bed... I think we should atleast have the option to disable this with a game logic or somthing.
  9. Jonny_2LI

    Territorial Army

    I've actually worked with the TA quite abit, they used to be essentially the grown up cadets that get paid, but recently they've become part of the armys ORBAT and are trained to the exact standards as the regular army. Now having worked with them i can tell you that they are the same as the regulars, they also have a civilian life and job to worry about, where as i dont have that drama in my life, so thumbs up to them, and especially to the ones that actually step forward and volunteer for op deployments, if i had the choice to go to the sandpit, i'd say no without a second thought, we're just made to go. If you wanna join the TA then thumbs upto you mate, and for those thats posted who are TA, thumbs upto you too, you get to play OFP more than me
  10. Jonny_2LI

    Project UK Forces

    I think the moral of the story is, you'll find out, sooner than later aswell it seems, we're making good progress and im sure you'll be pleased with the finnished articles. Our advisors know what they're advising about so you can gaurantee the kit your getting is current issue. Cheers for your patience and we hope you like the WMIK's.
  11. Jonny_2LI

    Project UK Forces

    It hasnt been discussed to heavily yet, however obviously the Gurkhas play a major role in our armed forces so we'd like to give them some representation eventually. Jonny
  12. Jonny_2LI

    Project UK Forces

    UKSF are in the planning phases, obviously theres alot of things to take into consideration regarding how SF operate, we dont want to just give a diemaco to a regular soldier and call him special forces, we have to take into account the climates they operate in and the type of missions they would undertake, then theres the CRW aspect of things also theres other UKSF units we'd like to include other than just the SAS. Ontop of all that we'd like the conventional arms more elite units to hold a place in UKF also. But for now, we have alot of projects on the go and im sure we'll get around to it quite soon. As useual questions are welcome and we'll answer them as best we can.
  13. Jonny_2LI

    Project UK Forces

    Im sure you'll like the wmiks, there are other projects on the back burner that im sure you'll enjoy. Cheers for the feed back and hopefully we'll get somthing for you to play with asap.
  14. Jonny_2LI

    British Vehicles

    Yeah that one confused me rho