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Everything posted by JaredRP

  1. JaredRP

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Listen all of the socialist in here, pretty much everyone who is either european or a liberal american which nearly includes everyone, i have a few messages for you guys: Europeeins: Get off your high horse and quit thinking you guys are as great as you once were and you can't do anything without America France: You guys are no longer a world power, get used to it. infact according the Cmdr. Richard Marcinko SEAL 6, US Navy ret. you can't even actively fight alongside American soldiers anymore because you are technological inadvanced. You guys fell from the sky the day Hitler marched to Paris today you've become a mere shadow of what you once were you have no gut and are always depending on AMericans to bail you out the reason you frenchie french men do not want us to succeed is because we're going to broadcast French weapons illegally sold to Iraq Germany: You guys have issues I thikn it is funny tht you still have to have violence editted out from your computer gaming because you might go berzerk and chase down and kill everyone who isn't aryan you really need some help i mean i understand you guys lost wwii, you put up a good fight but in the end it was futile once America joined but it's been what what i think is funny is that you have jumped from almost one extreme to the other you gone from militant lunatics to peacenik weenies Russia: you guys should have learned your lesson form the Cold War England: my tommy cousins i like you guys i really do but your sun has set on your once great empirewe have the torch to light the world now and you all must recognize that Summary: Europe you've got some problems. you guys are one step above communism with your socialist agendas, your jealous that the colonies are wealthier happier and flat out don't need you anymore you know the US supported Saddam at one time, but we supported Saddam to stop a greater evil Iran, much as we did together in WWII, supportting Stalin to defeat Hitler but much like the collapse of the soviet union, Iraq has fallen even though our support of Iran's downfall is a little late The one major thing i don't understand is, this maybe a little off topic, we have some racist issues over here i understand that, but what do you guys have against Jews, i'm not a jew but that doesn't mean i'm gonna run out and kill one that is sick and for the libearl AMericans, listen you don't like it here in America, leave and join the titanic, I mean Europe, sorry guys didn't mean to offend anyone P.S. Their are a great deal of european nations i support, mainly east europe, the peoples that western europe tends to look down on, you guys realy understand what it is to live under terror and are giving 110% to bring terror to an end in this world, And Spain i include you guys too, you've been very helpful as for mainly frnce russia and germany get out of our way, unlike you America is making progress