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About J.!(r)!x

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. J.!(r)!x

    Who activated the trigger

    Still no idea, please? Don't tell me, I am the only one who needs that thank you
  2. Yeah, this works just fine, thanks Merry Xmass 2 everyone!
  3. I am changing the daytime as usual (skipTime number) at the very beginning of init.sqs. It works just fine - except the onLoad screen where appears the original time! Can I change (or hide) it somehow please?
  4. By "editing the mission.sqm" I meant to change the file via editor anywise. I am trying to use scripts as much as I only can. The reason is simple: I am producing technically similar MP missions always in a different scene. All I want to achieve is, when adding another environment to have to work in editor as less as possible (to deliminate the area, add players...) Anyway the one thing more (adding the GameLogic called "server") doesn't hurt me much ;) Thank you, that is working fine!
  5. I wanted a script without having to edit the mission.sqm itself. Anyway I used that - better than nothing ;) It helped me much, thank you
  6. J.!(r)!x

    Param3 in description.ext

    Yeah, that is exactly what I did, it works fine. I was just a little bit worried about a potential compatibility with some consoles that are used to "standard". Maybe a needless care ;)
  7. I tried to make the third parameter similarly to the Param1 and Param2 from common MP game, but it didn't show up later when creating MP game Is it possible to achieve third parameter somehow pls?
  8. How can I run a script in a MP game only on one machine? For example the admin's one - something like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?player!=admin:exit PS: I need to do it generally - it means not to define one player's name (for ex. "run_only_here") and condition like<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?player!=run_only_here:exit
  9. J.!(r)!x

    Camera-Ending mission

    Sounds good I read in the "Bible", that commands like forceEnd don't work until you do terminate the camera. Could you describe me how to make it to keep any own view behind the debriefing please? Thank you
  10. I don't think this is a real sollution for me. It's not about crashing or even about the minimum flying height. Neither if I set the flying height to 80 (or anything), the copper steps directly up and then continues in the angle as the terrain below. That is my problem - it smashes my troops no matter how hight the chopper is was when they eject! Â
  11. Do I have to terminate the camera everytime I want to finish the mission? I would like to display any other scene than the player's view or black/white screen
  12. Got this issue: I want to eject the player from the flying chopper above the downhill. The chopper keeps its height relatively to the ground, so it lowers like the hill and smash my ejecting troops!!! I cannot make it elsewhere, above a flat land. If I change its height by script (each second for ex.) it always stops and rises and then continues like before
  13. Nice code, i am using similar one, but removing the driver and gunner differently: they are always first and second in the crew (_x=0 and _x=1) and I let them jump with parashutes - ie without landing (btw. why not "GET OUT" instead of yours "GET IN" parameter?). Like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;getout.sqs _heli = _this select 0 _heli lockwp true _x = count crew _heli #lp unassignvehicle(_crew select _x);(_crew select _x) action["EJECT",_heli];_x = _x - 1 ~0.2 IF(_x < 2)THEN{_heli lockwp false;EXIT}ELSE{GOTO "LP"}
  14. J.!(r)!x

    Troubles with M2 killing M2?

    done - update to 196 and still the same there is a sample mission at this link where you can see it for yourself there can happen generally three situations when commanding to attack enemy M2: 1) "NEGATIVE" reply 2) starts shooting above each other's head 2a) until they run out of bullets 2b) until someone kill the other, but he mostly doesn't even notice and keeps shoting Is this a bug or where is the mistake?
  15. Thank you for clearing that up for me Let's hope