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About JoeDeath

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. JoeDeath

    Respawning as side AI

    Thanks for the information. I'll download the patch and give it a try.
  2. JoeDeath

    Respawning as side AI

    Anyone got any ideas on this one?
  3. Hello all, I am trying to activate respawning into an AI position and am having difficulty. I set the respawn type to 4 or 5 (tested both). This allows me to respawn into a group but it does not allow me respawn into my side. I basically have 3 groups of troops per side. I want to be able to respawn into any AI on the entire side… not just the group I am in. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. Hello all, I am in the process of making a convoy mission. I want the convoy to hold steady on route to the objective. As it is right now the troops disembark from the transport upon taking fire. Sometimes they get back in but often they just start running to the next way point. Anyway to keep them in the back of the truck in rout to the next way point? Maybe even make the troop transport speed up while the tanks hold off... does this have to do with the allowflee command? Thanks in advance.
  5. OH... One more thing can you give me an example of what you would type in the "add weapon here section". is it like "this addweapon "NVGoggles"; this addweapon "AK74"; ect... or this addweaponcagro ["AK74",1]; I am ussuming the first example since thats how you controll what the player starts with.
  6. Thanks all for the help I will try the sricpt tonight or over the weekend. Not real expierenced so I may be back to ask more questions.
  7. Will this give the item to the solder after he respawns? Bassically I am trying to give the players night vision for the entire game reagrdles if they respawn. It's a night CTF map. I have NV in crates scattered around the map but if the player could just attomatically start with them regardles if there respawning form death or not it would be great. I know how to have them start with NV... it's respawning with NV that seems difficult. I'll expeirment with the advice you gave.
  8. Thanks all. The editor works like a charm, but it does cloud up the map with the items that are added. I have a map where I added a bunch of trees and now when I use the map all I see is blue trees. The structer list was also very helpfull. It allows me to add buildings the way I used to without using the editor. This makes the maps playable for people who do not have the editor. Hoefully they will include the editor in a patch. Thanks all for the help.
  9. Does anyone know how to make your solder have certain items at respawn? Like NV goggles. Better yet does anyone know how to make these items already active (example: NV goggles on and activated at time of respawn)? Answer to either question would be appreciated... Thanks
  10. Ok thanks… the clearWeaponCargo and clearMagazineCargo worked like a charm. *Now does anyone know how to make your solder have certain items at respawn and better yet know how to make these items already active (example: NV goggles on and activated at time of respawn)? *Does anyone know of or have a map I can download with spawn protection. I would like to copy the triggers? *Can I edit the map or the items I added with the 1.02 map editor so they don’t show up when you use your map? I added a ton of trees and know I can’t see anything when I use my map. Thanks in advance.
  11. ok I treied the this removeallweaponcargo; command. the editor kept giving me an error... I tried typing it multipl ways but I didn't have any luck. Any other ideas?
  12. ok I treied the this removeallweaponcargo; command. the editor kept giving me an error... I tried typing it multipl ways but I didn't have any luck. Any other ideas?
  13. Hello all, I am currently working on a CTF map which takes place at night. I am trying to figure out how to accomplish the following objectives: *have a playable soldier start with certain weapon load outs even after death and upon respawn. I would also like to know if it is possible to start/respawn with and object already activated (in this case night vision). *remove all weapons from a weapon cate so I can add only the weapons I want to add to it. I know how to add the weapons (the addweapons [“M16â€,3] I just can’t seem to clear the crates out when the game starts. *and finally I am using one of the third party mission editors to add traas and building to my map. So far it has worked well but when my friends or I play the game the map is screen is cluttered with all the objects I added. They show up in blue. I’m not real knowledgeable about scripts and so forth so please be specific on the explanation. I am also looking to download a map with spawn protection so I cane copy the triggers into my map. I don’t want to sound lazy but this is the most proficient way for me to do it. I have done some of these triggers in OFP but they only worked half the time. Any help is appreciated… thanks
  14. Hello all, I am currently working on a CTF map which takes place at night. I am trying to figure out how to accomplish the following objectives: *have a playable soldier start with certain weapon load outs even after death and upon respawn. I would also like to know if it is possible to start/respawn with and object already activated (in this case night vision). *remove all weapons from a weapon cate so I can add only the weapons I want to add to it. I know how to add the weapons (the addweapons [“M16â€,3] I just can’t seem to clear the crates out when the game starts. *and finally I am using one of the third party mission editors to add traas and building to my map. So far it has worked well but when my friends or I play the game the map is screen is cluttered with all the objects I added. They show up in blue. I’m not real knowledgeable about scripts and so forth so please be specific on the explanation. I am also looking to download a map with spawn protection so I cane copy the triggers into my map. I don’t want to sound lazy but this is the most proficient way for me to do it. I have done some of these triggers in OFP but they only worked half the time. Any help is appreciated… thanks
  15. Hello everyone, I am an old OFP map modder who is new to ArmA. I would like to add buildings and trees to the existing map. The way I used to do it was to simply add an object, (like a civilian) open up the mission file with notepad, and change the name of the civilian I just added to a building name (for example civilian becomes FuelStation). Upon reloading the map a FuelStation would be where the civilian was that I had just added. I could then move, copy, or otherwise manipulate the building accordingly. This seems to work fine with ArmA also (as in the case with the FuelStation example. The problem is I don’t have the “official†names of the new houses and vegetation. Therefore I can’t add the objects. Only some of the names from OFP work. Does anyone have the names of the buildings and vegetation for ArmA? Thanks in advance for any help!