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About J_J

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    Private First Class
  1. J_J

    Lan party

    A LAN-Party ... yes this will be great. No lags no waiting but it´s much more difficult to organize a Lan-Party. There´re lot of LAN´s but they´re all done by people which earn there money with it. Highprofessional I guess. Some privat partys are much more uncomplicatet. 20 people is a good amount I guess ... I never visit a LAN Party cause I good my PC since one year. I live in Berlin and I never heard about a official LAN Party here. But if there´re some Berlin OFP-Junkies in this forum tell me and maybe we can organize a cool Party here. Got a 33 m² flat, so at my "Castle" it will be impossible :-( Got a strong PC but a dumb 56k Modem and in latest times there very few servers which play OFP. I hate this CTF rush-and-die-shit. I prefer coops or maybe a cool big mission where to armys fight against each other. Some very cool Addons are done, so it´s possible that one Army already got a Island and the other Army must capture the whole thing. A Mission which can be played over days will be a dream/wish from me. A War ... a War which takes more than few hours to win it. Only possible with some skilled missionmakers and in a LAN-party and lot of "Soldiers" ... a weekend or something like that. Berliners ? are you there ? So do your duty
  2. Hi all I search for some information if the createunit-command is compatible with multiplayer games and how "far" it´s usable. I explain the situation a bit more to let see for what reason I ask you. I often tried to edit missions for OFP-multiplayer but it´s not such easy like in Singleplayer. In my missions I try to keep the most possible reality and therefore I need a big amount of enemy troops to cover a island. I want to make a realy big mission at the time of World War 2, where 3 - 5 players will be shoot down behind enemy lines before they reach their extractionzone and they must make their way back to friendly teritory. The players should not go straight back to friendly teritory. They will be assigned to sabotage a lot of strategic points behind enemy lines, bacause they´re the last chance to bring the victory and minimize the casulties in a big assault by allied troops which will start in a few days. Lot of enemy bases, airports, hidden bunkers, V2-rocketlaunchpads and ocupied citys must be guardet by the enemy. It´s simply impossible to put all enemy troops in the same time at the map bacause of the lag. The only solution I know, is to create enemy-units with scripts when the players get close to a strategic area and delete the enemys when the player is done with that small objektiv and moves away from this area... here a example Sol1 = "OfficerENight" CreateUnit [[2844.172607,268.972656],eastselector, " ", 1 , "seargent"] Sol1 = units eastselector select 1 [sol1] join grpnull I have a "Dummyenemy" placed at the map, it´s name is eastselector. The commands above work like this : Eastselector is placed with the missioneditor and don´t do any actions or take part in any combats. With a Script I start the Commands above. OFP creates a unit and let it join to eastselector, then the script check the unit in eastselectors group and give it a name (here it´s Sol1), then the new unit joins grpnull. Then I´m able to create further units and let them join to Sol1 after they have their names. In some forums I read it´s the only way to give names to createt units. The names are very important to me, because I must give them further orders in scripts like patrols, animations and so on. Well ... that´s the main problem in my plan ... now I need some information if this idea is "makeable" and if it would work in Multiplayermode. I try something like this before and in the Editor it works all perfect but when I tried it online with some buddies, half of the scripts won´t work, even if they use the similar script-structure. Only half of the units was createt and most of them won´t follow given orders by their scripts. But they join a group to minimize the amount of units at map so there where never more than 64 groups on the map. The other scripts was simple. An example with a patrolscript ... it´s startet with [ Sol1 , Sol1way1 , Sol1way2 , 5 ] exec "patrol.sqs" _Soldier = _this select 0 _P1 = _this select 1 _P2 = _this select 2 _Delay = _This select 3 #Start ? not alive _Soldier : exit ~ (_Delay + Random 7) _Soldier move getpos _P1 @ unitready _Soldier and _Soldier distance _P1 < 15 ? not alive _Soldier : exit ~ (_Delay + Random 7) _Soldier move getpos _P2 @ unitready _Soldier and _Soldier distance _P2 < 15 goto "start" Is there a maximum amount of scripts may be used in MP-mode or is it not important how many scripts I use. How about the maximum amount of soldiers (64 units a 12 soldiers in it ... I guess) Does this idea, above explained, work ? Did OFP register this groups or did OFP only see a createt Soldier then a new then some more, no matter if they join a group or not ? I need some help from experts because it´s frustrating to download more than 130 MB Addons, start the work in the editor, which will take more then a few months and the musik I must search ... man ... this will take days and nights of work. Sure it´s fun to make "good" missions but it´s not funny to see the work of months canceld because I never ask if this is possible or not. I have no interesst in "simple" missions. That´s no fun to me, I prefer to play simple missions, not creating them. Simple missions are thousends of them in the WWW and now they´re played and 5 minutes later they´re done and forgoten. Don´t misunderstand me ... I liked most of them and it was fun to play them, but I never would play them twice cause it´s boring. Nothing happend there, no bird in the woods, no thrilling musik, no grasshoppers in the open land, no civilians in the cities and the list is much longer. For what was done all the great work with the OFP-Editor if nobody use the full possibilities of it. Well ... damn I wrote a roman for a simple question can somebody help please ?
  3. J_J

    Coc combat diver

    Hm ... well well ... and you´re sure that the diver won´t spin around and finallly his legs will look out the water during his head will be under water and he takes a drink from the OFP-Water-Bar. If you´re able to fix this "official" ... lets call it deficit ... then it will be a realy usefull addon. I´m realy looking forward to it but I´m affraid there´re a couple of things that won´t "cooperate" with the idea. How to make the diver swim/moving forward or make him unvincible under water. And what will happen if the diver is lieing half in water and gets shoot. Wish ya all the best ... it wouldn´t be the first "unpossible" project that enlarge the OFP-world. Hope u get this thing running greetings
  4. oh yes ... sorry ... only createvehicle works in MP
  5. He he ... if u saw the BAS Delats you never had sayed they need to be somehow better then they´re in any way. They´re perfect and much more realistic then the BI Soldiers. Incredible that normal users are able to develop better addons then BI. The Blackhawks from BAS where out for few days but its long ago and the download is canceld for some time. Don´t know what´s the problem but I´m sure they stop the download cause they want to release some missions or a campaign. There´re 3 aircraftcarriers in development and it looks like one of them will be finished soon. When you saw some screenies ... it´s the one half "painted" in red. New Tomcats ... dude I guess nobody will be able to top the work of Hudson & Pennywise. Never saw something like that in OFP, even wasn´t sure if something like that is possible till i fly around with that hellmaschine. More heavy missiles will be nice to crack some bunkers, but it wont break trough OFP Walls, even when you give the missile more power. When you want to break trough walls, I guess you must use a Script. Check the firing vehicle permanent and when it fires a weapon "catch" the missile in the script, give it a name and when it hits the ground, camcreate a fire at the impactposition. A trigger must be there to. X/Y Axis at 9999 , Activation : Anybody , Repeatly and the trigger must get a name _Vehicle = _this select 0 _Launcher = _this select 1 _FireCenter = _this select 2 #Start ?!(alive _Vehicle) : exit _ammocheck = _Vehicle ammo _Launcher @ _ammocheck != _Vehicle ammo _Launcher _pos = getPos _Vehicle _Vehicle setPos [1,1,1] _bomb = nearestObject _pos _Vehicle setPos _pos #LoopStart _bpos = getPos _bomb ~0.001 ? (getPos _bomb select 2) < 1 : goto "StopLoop" goto "LoopStart" #StopLoop _pommi = "Your-Burning-Fire" camCreate _bpos [_FireCenter, _pommi] exec "burn.sqs" goto "Start" [Vehiclename, "Weaponname", Triggername] exec "Your-Script.sqs" will start the Script above and the burn.sqs is the impactplace of the missile. As long as your fire you choose to camcrate is burning, as long the killzone will be aktivatet. The burn.sqs (will be startet automaticly) _trigger = _this select 0 _pommi = _this select 1 _j = 0 #Loop ? IsNull _pommi : exit _Lista = list _trigger _zoneCount = count _Lista ? _j > _zoneCount : _j = 0 _deadman = _Lista select _j ? (_deadman distance _pommi) < 55  : _deadman setDammage 1.0 _j = _j + 1 ~0.01 goto "Loop" greetings
  6. Do somebody know if theres a upcoming or maybe finished aircraftcarrier-addon somewhere ?
  7. Try this PLANENAME fire ["Rad_CBU87_Launcher","Rad_CBU87_Launcher"] But to let the AI hit a target, its not the best way. When u want realy to destroy something special, use the createunit command. Recomendet testingtime ... Night greetings
  8. I got it ! The is player only allowed to autoaim at enemy vehicles which are moveing and have fuel. I tried it with a ship and when its moveing and have fuel, I´m able to aim automaticly with guided rockets. But as soon as the Ship has no fuel the red point in my radar turns into white and the autoaim turns off. This works with all kind of enemy vehicles. The trick is the fuel. Thanks to all helpers. Problem is no more ---> closed Greetings
  9. well the problem is that the F 18 Hornet addon has antiground missiles and the head of the missile is red. The antiair missile has a white head. Its for a plane and when i remove weapons the player will see that. A good idea but in this case won´t help. Must do it somehow with a scriptcommand. Canfire false or something like that
  10. Hi people I´ve downed the new F-18 Addon and want to make a pilotcoop. I want to make the player impossible to fix a target with autoaim, so that he cannot fire with a guided missile at a vehicle. But I won´t remove the missiles from plane to put in ffars or something, because when the ships get dammage the autotarget sheel apear for the players again. This should simulate a radarjammer that the ship uses against the players. When its dammaged a lot, the jammer should stop to work and the player should be able to autotarget again. Dunno why, but when i try it the first couple of times it works without my permission. A bug or something. First I saw only a white point at my radar and wasn´t able to aim. I try it without autotarget and hit the ship few times. Then it spinns up a bit and a red point apears at my radar and i was able to aim again. I want to repaet it but this time under control with scripts. I tried also with setcaptive true, but theres no effect for the player. Anybody an idea ?
  11. Yes Sir ! I got it ... works very good. Here´s a working Betascript. No sounds no smoke and with the reverse must something happen also the brakedistance is far to low. The Plane stops emidietly and after a while it rolls back a bit but spins the nose up. Need to work on it. But the most important things work so far. _Plane = _this select 0 #loop _Speed = speed _Plane ?getpos _Plane select 2 <= 1 and _Speed >= 200 and _Plane animationPhase "hookanim" > 0.5: goto "landon" ?getpos _Plane select 2 >= 1 or _Speed <= 200 or _Plane animationPhase "hookanim" < 0.5: goto "loop" goto "loop" #landon _Plane setvelocity [+0.1,0,0] #land _Speed = speed _Plane ?_Speed == 0:goto "reverse" goto "land" #reverse ~5 _Plane setvelocity [-5,0,0] exit Well ... dunno any technical stuff of landing on a aircraftcarrier, but I geuss they have a speed about more than 200 Km/H. So when u land like a granny the plane wont stop and u must takeoff again. More than 300 will not work cause OFP thinks that the plane rolls 300 Km/H at the ground and don´t see that the palne already stoped and set the dammage at 1. I try to put all in Variables to make it work for all types of arrestohook-supportet-addons but i cant put hookanim in a variable. Dunno why, normaly u can put anything in there _anim = _this select 1 and start with [player, hookanim] exec "sript.sqs" won´t work ... tss ... nevermind. To start the script type where u want (init.sqs, units-init, trigger, waypoints etc.) .... [NAME_of_the_PLANE] exec "the_script_above.sqs" Well ... hehe ... get this thing airborne soldiers
  12. Wow ... now its perfect ... didn´t try it out yet but when I´m back later I try it. Sounds logical to me ... sure it will work. Its really simple to stop the plane in a second. Use the setvelocity-command The "Aircraftcarrier" must have a azimut exactly to 0 or 90 or 180 or 270. Then a simple Loppscript that checks the speed and altitude. When the Pilot is to slow he canot land at carrier and when he have a realistic groundspeed to land like they do in reallife the script starts when pilotsaltitude is similar to the carriers. Also check if the Hook is out and so on. Put some cool smokeresources and brakesounds in and its perfect. Hopefully somebody make a aircraftcarrier. I simulate one with the Ashland LSD and a Addon called Gebaüde-Addon. _Plane = _this select 0 #loop _Speed = speed _Plane ?getpos _Plane select 2 <= 1 and _Speed >= 200: goto "landon" goto "loop" #landon _Plane setvelocity [+0.1,0,0] #land _Speed = speed _Plane ?_Speed == 0:goto "reverse" goto "land" #reverse ~5 _Plane setvelocity [-5,0,0] exit Thats pure beta but it works to stop a plane in few seconds. Well thanks for help ... greetings
  13. Real Great work Hi all its unbelievable. The most realistic planeaddon I ever saw.... Respect I want to make a mission with an simulatet aircraftcarrier and its all perfect so far. With the setvelocity-command I´m able to stop the plane in a few seconds and it works nearly perfect. I want to make that the player must have downed the Arrestorhook, in order to land at the ship. All I need is something that tells me true or false. A variable or something that checks the animationstatus. Thanks for the Help in advance Greetings