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Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

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Everything posted by Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

  1. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Bas littlebirds

    Okay, I admit I had no time to read whole board here, so I dunnow if anyone replied to this one idea, but I found it worth to notice that this is quite a nice idea that could be implemented possibly without much problem. I will describe: In OFP choppers, whatever weapon you use, if there is gunner in chooper and if there is a turret for gun, AI gunner always points the gun at the selected target, no matter if any other weapon is selected. Then, to make that thing working, targeting turret should be selected with turret's selections (turret hull, turret axis and so). Now the problem is to make that weapon BOTH visible and invisible to AI. Visible, so that he will point enemy with it, and invisible, so that it does not appear in weapons list. Scripters or configmakers should discuss this. The other possible solution is to make it a laser designator, it shouldn't stay in collision with any realism issues, and the additional weapon appearing in weapon list will have somehow uysefull function (apart from rotating the turret). Implementing it should not cause any backward-compatibility issues, and it will enhance the visual realism, making that particular chooper better :]
  2. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    @ Silesian: How could you? :PPP
  3. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Red Hammer Studios

    Raedor says it may be as well added to the current mission's folder (for missionmakers to know)
  4. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Red Hammer Studios

    Now I know how. k, you must pbo this logo into "yourName.pbo" file and use a script. There is an info provided in readme: My way was making this pbo file, and then engaging this script on T-55A (GDR), with <gvardija_type> = "\yourName.pbo\nvagvard.paa" (with "") And.. I've discoverd some bug here, there's some error msg, will be fixed soon :]
  5. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Red Hammer Studios

    http://republika.pl/betatest/nvagvard.paa This should be the NVA logo, 64x64, working. Anyway, I... blah, that sounds weird, but I dunnow where to place it in ofp folders... :>
  6. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Late rhs x-mas present

    How it is said, there should be a solution for every problem, and a way around each obstacle. In fact, OFP history prooved, that there were many barriers that have been broken. What wants to happen, will happen. :] Your posts able us to know that there are people wanting certain features, and we will have that in mind in future. Obviously, we will keep working on many things and one day (don't take that as very far one) we may come with an answer :] Getting back on bugs and errors, anyone noticed anything new? About the important fix mentioned earlier, we have not forgot, it is being prepared but it will just be a bit later (heh, probably because of... new year, and some issues, like small medical issues that a big part of the world's community shared by the morning :P).
  7. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Late rhs x-mas present

    Exactly what I said :]
  8. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Late rhs x-mas present

    I've used that script and I remember it was quite nice :] Anyway, the triggers. I understand when you say "if missionmaker is not enough skilled to use simple trigger he is not a good missionmaker". Actually, I hear such things like "it is very easy to do" from some people - but these are people that are really overaverage. Most of players (which means, that's not any offensive word, average players) do not like to wait for mission to appear, and then to play it to test the tank that was involved in pack. From what I was able to notice, and I think that is quite commonly noticed, most players tend to install the addon and then to open the editor and - apart from just "place'n'ride" - they play with it by making some very simple missions, that ussually ends with placing few units and maybe some routes, that are leading to a battle, without any story or whatever. Placing an addon and giving it a route is a most common "skill" around players. This is not a speculation, I've spent time with quite a representative amount of players. It really amazes me, but most of modmakers think that at least 75% of players are able to use 100% of mission editor, while in reality it is more like to be 25% or less. The common false view is based on observation of the board community, while in reality, there are lot of people playing this game who do not visit such places like boards, they are quite passive and inactive, they just visit pages and download addons. So, going back on subject, making a trigger-activated feature means that such feature is inactive when there is no trigger placed. That leads to few inconviniences: - Players are irritated when they read about feature and they don't see it ingame. And they won't see it by just putting the tank in. - Player is human, human tends to be a lazy creature :] Having to either remember all the names and properties for triggers - or need to look over them, either on paper or readme, irritates. It needs work. We don't intend to make players irritated because they skills are not enough. That's the point. Okay, now I know I will hear something like "Why make addons for them? If they cannot learn, if they are lazy, they don't deserve playing addons!" It is a very unfair thing to say so. Look at the OFP game itself. BIS intention was to make it as easy as possible to play, so that most people will be able to play it. It is easy in install (but it could easily be hard, imagine that you have to extract several archives and then manually edit some config files to make game just run), to configure (you have easy interface, you don't have to edit config files either), to play (you don't have to use e.g. text console to move around the battlefield :P). Even the editing section is easy - it could be much worse. For addonmakers: imagine there was no oxygen, that you would have to work with hexedit on binary files to make models (ugh). If Authors of this wonderfull game had said, that "Why should we make game for lazy people? We will make a game, that you have to learn a lot and work a lot to play", that would be really easy to make so. And... nobody here would be happy :> We want possibly all around to be happy, and to proceed with it, we must work on - and find - a best compromise. That's the compromise we worked out here. It is but, to add on the end, not the final decision. It may happen one day, that one way or another game will limit us so hard, that we will decide to change our policy. In matter of fact, everything tends to go into better. If "triggered way" will occure to be a better way some time in future, we will proceed with it. And all we ask you about here is not to insist here or in any other place on certain solution. We have a great scripters, leaded by a great man who you know as Raedor. They work hard on such solutions (and following decisions), and the outcome of they work is not "just because we think so". They know what they are doing, and they are doing it best they can. Best for you :] That's about triggers (for now) :]
  9. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Late rhs x-mas present

    My entry in OT-55, have not discussed it with rest of the team but I think it covers..: I agree that OT-55 is a very nice tracked metal can, that could be nice addition to OFP. But, unfortunately, OFP makes it hard to implement. Flamethrowing effect is something that will consume a high amount of CPU power. Damage simulation is another thing not easy to implement, as it will either be unrealistic (dunnow... some invisible MG bullets at high rate), or very very complex (damaging script, transferring itself to other objects and keeping them lit and possibly making them transfer fire to others and so on - that is still a hard and complex thing to do) and moreover it would rather have to use triggers placed by gamer, which are against our scripting interface manner/policy. Making a working flamethrowing system itself - working and bugless SP/MP - is something that would need probably more than a year to accomplish. Therefore attempting such a big and consuming project for just one tank is a bit senceless. But I think that there will be no problem making an OT-55 when OFP community will gain a real working and bugless flamethrowing system from other source, if we'd be allowed to implement it. That's how I see it.
  10. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Late rhs x-mas present

    As you are able to make and use own logos on tanks (see readme of T-55), you can surely attempt to make some Iranian T-55, at least something near.
  11. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Late rhs x-mas present

    Camo versions have been discussed very widely among RHS team and it has been decided as it has been decided. Asking for certain camo will rather not be ansewered, as there are so many camos (and so many people around ofp each wanting different one) that we would not end the pack before 2014 :>
  12. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Late rhs x-mas present

    After updated researches (after all, 1991 Jane's is starting to get a bit old ) T-55AM2 upgraded to fire Basnaya => T-55AM2B : Czecholosvakian built T-55 AM2P : Polish built T-55AM2PB : Russian built I'm not the only to have to update his knowledge Thank you for giving me the opportunity to improve my own For your own information, Romania, during their insurgency, do possess T-55s Kladivo (laser, skirtsand horseshoe armor). I got it on a pic (that's not a TR-77 or so on), in an era when this data was not commonly known... so if you are interested... Well, it seems there is another lack of simmilarity between eastern and western resources. And since America is quite a bit far away from russia, then when I have a dissimmilarity between eastern block origined resource and Amercan origined resource such as Jane's, I believe the eastern one. By my resources, Uzycki's, Beger's and Sobala's work on modern tracked vehicles, it seems clear that T-55AM2 is of russia origin, produced in factories in both USSR, CSR and Poland. In some production series (probably the last one due to time matters and.. yeah, common problem, money) 9K116/9M117 Bastion system (still I don't see where you came up with Basnya name, however I've found some rare evidences of it's existence over internet, probably some copied mistake) was installed, and the tanks of these series were named T-55AM2B, where B is directly explained as Bastion-sourced. T-55AM2 does not differ in any other part from T-55AM2B than the mentioned ATGM system installed (as long as we take the optical systems integrated to Volna systems as a part of Bastion system). The Czecholosvakian variant you are talking about is most likely T-55AM, oftenly mistaken with Soviet T-55AM. Czecholosvakian T-55AM is an upgrade for Soviet T-55A, fitted with Kladivo fire controll system and additionall armour to protect the hull and turret. It is but very different armour addon than the blocks mounted on Soviet T-55AM, it's like a triangular in shape, looking like the blocks mounted on T-90. This T-55AM is a beginning of the way that may lead to Chech ATGM equipped modification. There is also a Polish modification of Soviet T-55A, named T-55AM too (so, this is third tank to bear this name :>). It uses Merida fire controll system, Bobrawa laser targeting detection system, smoke grenade launchers Erb and Tellur. It has simmilar armour upgrades as Soviet T-55AM. This tank evolved into T-55AM2P Merida equipped with ATGM systems. Since many eastern block countries developed their tanklines in imitated independance from USSR, and since there was a separation between these countries allowing for certain name simmilarities (cos there was no probablility of name collision because of separation), there are many misunderstandings about what really happened here. The another thing that may make Jane's resource mistaken is the transaction of selling about 40 modified "T-55AM2" to Afghan Northern Alliance. These units as far as I know were, altough the name, fitted with ATGM complex, probably Bastion. That may have made Jane's to believe all T-55AM do so. Anyway, remember that soviet intention was to impress America and pose as having better stuff than it had. :> Anyway two, remember that military stuff is military stuff, we may both be wrong and, knowing russians, they may likely be noone knowing whole truth :>>>
  13. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Late rhs x-mas present

    9K116/9M117 system (which is named Bastion) has been installed on T-55AM2B tank.
  14. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Late rhs x-mas present

    We are terribly sorry that the readmes have not been attached to downloads. That was a mistake, everything was i a bit hurry... it was our just first release and some problems occured, but now as we learned about them and we experienced, it will not happen again :]
  15. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Late rhs x-mas present

    Could you please specify: - which tank(s) makes that error message - what version of OFP exactly do you use (ver. number + language) - when exactly does that message occure We would also appreciate some screens. Thanks in advance :]
  16. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Late rhs x-mas present

    When you open hatch as commander, driver opens it too. Game engine.
  17. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Late rhs x-mas present

    ATTENTION ALL MISSIONMAKERS!!! We have found a very important mistake in our T-55 tank's crew definition. The correct solution has been by mistake not implemented in the release version. This mistake makes a very important issue to further mission compatibility with our further releases. we want to ask you to hold on all missionmaking procedures untill we will release and update which will fix that problem. We are terribly sorry for what happened. The update will be ready in 1-2 days, and will fix also some other bugs mentioned here and at other sources. Fix will be contained in a small file (~100KB), so you don't need to worry about downloading whole pack again. Correct readmes will be also posted on site. We are once again saying SORRY, we hope you will understand :] Greetings, RHS Team
  18. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Late rhs x-mas present

    Team leader should announce "SAFE" mode or just open hatch himself.
  19. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Late rhs x-mas present

    1. As explained on the forum, they are temporary placeholders, awaiting for exchange in future release. We needed placeholders so that missionmakers wouldnt get their mission screwed after next release. 2. It has been decided that all tanks will gain modern crew, and if missionmaker will want so, he may exchange them to soviet ones. It would be really a mess when we would try to decide which tank is soviet-crewed and which not. All of the tanks were really serving a lot of time, and each of them can be found with modern crews. Missionmakers have to decide in missions, which time they plan that mission for, and then to choose the crew. 3. That may be a good point to discuss before next release. Thanks :]
  20. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Late rhs x-mas present

    Okay, now to clear up the situation and explain it carefully: First of all, I understand that some of you may be already find it weird, that we have 6 folders, and 1-5 tanks in each, That really looks weird, when you have more categories than tanks in them. BUT what you don't realise is that it is just the beginning. After few next releases, this folders will grow up rapidly inside. Each category may have around 20-30 units or even more after all tankpacks will be released. And there will be more packs. Then it will be really easier to find one tank within 6 categories > 30 vehicles, than 1 category > 180 vehicles... To finalise this dispute: We, RHS, are same gamers as you are. We have spent a lot of analysing work just to make sure that folders work best way. Over 40 peoples were commenting this issue and inputing their own ideas, and what has been decided is a compilation of quite representative statistic group. Of course I know that there must be some people that will dislike the decision because there are too much folders. But it is same sure, that there are (or more surely will) be people who will say that there should be more folders than it is now. I assure you we have a good will here, and it was not our intention to fill you with "RHS" letters. Just trust us :] Goodplay :]
  21. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Corrupt updates from bis

    Ah, I know what you're saying about. The installer says that your ofp files are "corrupt". That means you are most likely downloading the wrong files. You may notice that all major updates have been released in three different versions: - Chech - Polish - All other languages This is because the game has been released generally in three versions. Each version needs a correct version of patch. If you are running Chech or Polish version, refer to the 2 bottom tables on the BIS download site and you will find the proper patches to download. The reason of "corrupt" message is that installer checks the ofp files to make shure they are proper files (not damaged), and since each 3 versions of ofp support different languages packed in ofp files, installer of "international" patch thinks that "polish" game is corrupted and so on... BETA patches, however, are fully international, that means they apply to any language version.
  22. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Uss nimitz by hawk

    Okay, announcement here. As Hawk is unable to speak English, he does not look often to any english speaking forum and doesn't talk often with english speaking people. That's quite understandable. I am same suprised by the addon as you, so I was not able to contact Hawk anyhow, but I will contact him as soon as possible to get some info from him for you. Please don't worry about credits, Hawk has never failed in giving credits (altough some guys from DKM Mod claimed so...). If any of you wants to contact Hawk, just email me and I will proceed with translation for Hawk. But please limit yourself only to those who are important to the project, like DaSquade who seems to be model owner. Personal questions are to be posted, and will be answered if possible :]
  23. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    why does that image take me to the main page of the forum? maybe the forum doesnt like that image... That's the method of blocking the hotlinking. Since server detects that link is a hotling (is used on different refferent site), it redirects browser to that side. Easy, nice, confusing, bitchy, great :]
  24. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    M1A3, running away from Iraq :]
  25. Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Lee_H._Oswald: thanks, it took a while, but it really is there :>