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About Jaceksfor

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    Private First Class
  1. Jaceksfor

    Lod names for plane

    if you want to work model properly you must in config write class CFGMODELs i don't remember but you can download comendet config v1.75 and there you find this class
  2. Jaceksfor

    Real big roadways

    i try make 2-3 pieces but its not work
  3. Jaceksfor

    Real big roadways

    I want make air carrier and i have problems whith roadway i can make very big road way how make this
  4. Jaceksfor

    Uh60 whith 2 mg

    I want make UH60 whith 2 Mg its posibe if yes please write me answer
  5. Jaceksfor


    haw ican make road way beucose when i making faces chopper don stay on them when i fly over carrier blur is transparency and my carrier is transparency
  6. Jaceksfor

    Mlod models

    Thanks FW200 i will make ch46 sea knight
  7. Jaceksfor

    Mlod models

    And -LSD
  8. Jaceksfor

    Mlod models

    Why bis can't upload to breathe cople of models in mlod format they must have those models i want to be: -COBRA -A10 -CHINOOK -HMMWV -MI17 -MI24 it can be modified if anyone want this please add reply and write wat you think about this.Thanks!
  9. Jaceksfor

    Multiple animations

    where i must write this
  10. Jaceksfor

    Multiple animations

    but what this script look i dont now to much for scripting
  11. Jaceksfor

    Brethe problem

    Buldozer on breathe isn't for polish version its oldest version please fix that
  12. Jaceksfor

    3d max contact me!

    When i export from z modeler and i try import to oxygen i have error missing ktdata or something like this
  13. Jaceksfor

    Multiple animations

    so what whork SCUD
  14. Jaceksfor

    Multiple animations

    i want make something like scud first you must open lancher dors and next you can fire or first you must open dors for get in to vehicle how i can make this
  15. Jaceksfor

    Price for mod

    Its only qestion