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About Jimboh

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  1. Jimboh

    The last samurai

    Dances with Samuari? I think you mean Dances with Wolves... And the movie was awsome
  2. Jimboh

    How to convert pbo to 3ds

    Might I add that if the model has been binarized, it cannot be converted or exported. Models that are not binarized include the old (0.36) demo version of OFP and some early addons made using O2. @Deke: the only 3ds to p3d tool I use is Oxygen...
  3. Jimboh

    Models from americas army??

    Uhmm...the problem is you can't export the animations from the .ukx file package which contains them. There is no such option in UnrealED.
  4. Jimboh

    Models from americas army??

    Models, yes animations, no (as far as I know)
  5. Jimboh

    Gun at 90 degrees

    Hrmm...a better way might be to go to Points > Transform 3D > Rotate... Then type in 90 for the axis you want to rotate... But then I'm not clear if its the weapon optics that you are having trouble with or the gunner 1st person view...
  6. So what steps are needed to make the tank turn darker depending upon where it is hit and such. I know there was a tutorial on this a while ago, but I can't seem to find it -Jimboh
  7. Jimboh

    Apc problems

    Hi, Well, my problem is that I have an apc that has 2 barrels, one that shoots MG rounds and the other which shoots HE rounds (from an MK-19), but when I shoot the HE round, it shoots like a SABOT round in that it a) dosen't automatically reload, and b) has a shock after shooting the round. Is there any way I can remove the shock and have the round automatically reload? Thanks -Jimboh
  8. Jimboh

    Memory lods english translation?

  9. Jimboh

    Tank firing points

    thanks...I'll go try it right now... EDIT: Nice it works
  10. Jimboh

    Tank firing points

    In the M1A1 tank, there are two firing points: one for the Large turret, and another for the machine gun. So my question is what are the names of those memory points?
  11. Jimboh

    It´s a shame....

    Yes. By releasing more addons we are slowing down our progress. And we'd also like to be that 10% As for the pictures I released, its just like BAS or any other MOD out there who release pictures of some of their addons before theyre done.
  12. Jimboh

    It´s a shame....

    For the moment, we will stand by our decision to not release anything until our MOD is completed.
  13. Jimboh

    It´s a shame....

    Hmm..."ugly CodeBlue soldiers" eh?  Well, just to inform you, Dave and I have spent countless hours perfecting it, and we are currently trying to improve those soldiers so that people like you can be happy.  Reasons to release as a MOD: - Most of our addons currently require each other's resources to function. I.E. Some skins of our AAV7 are ripped off textures made for our so-called "ugly CodeBlue soldiers" - Packaging and deploying would be easier; when we released 1.1/1.2, it took me half my spring break to package the whole thing  - Its a MOD. Therefore we can change certain aspects of the gameplay which we believe will improve gameplay. And once our MOD, is completed, we will consider whether we want to release certain addons as a standalone or not. Haha I'll take that as a compliment to our (but mainly Dave's) hard work Â
  14. Jimboh

    Boat to have spinning prop

    Oops, my explanation is a bit flawed... Once the rotation is completed, it rotates backwards, then once thats complete, it rotates forewards again (it goes so fast you can't tell the difference), and goes on and on...