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Everything posted by Jusas_

  1. Jusas_

    Finnish defence forces

    A quick update on the F-18 Note: these are just work in progress pictures. http://jusas.3dgl.info/f18c/ofp
  2. Jusas_

    Addons you want

    What I'd like to see is a real mortar unit. A mortar that works like one... screw the fancy planes, choppers and tanks. This is an infantry simulation and indirect fire is what we need.
  3. I'm puzzled, this seems to be a topic that hasn't (surprisingly) been covered anywhere. When making a vehicle or aircraft, you need to make cockpit and in cockpit you have all sorts of instruments. I have no idea how to implement them, what gauges I can have and how they should be made. Someone must know since dozens of tanks and aircraft have been made already. Please help me on this... -- Jusas
  4. Jusas_

    Finnish defence forces

    update on F-18 cockpit... -- Jus, Finnish Platoon