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About Jusas_

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  1. Jusas_

    Finnish defence forces

    A quick update on the F-18 Note: these are just work in progress pictures. http://jusas.3dgl.info/f18c/ofp
  2. Jusas_

    Addons you want

    What I'd like to see is a real mortar unit. A mortar that works like one... screw the fancy planes, choppers and tanks. This is an infantry simulation and indirect fire is what we need.
  3. Jusas_

    Finnish defence forces

    update on F-18 cockpit... -- Jus, Finnish Platoon
  4. I'm puzzled, this seems to be a topic that hasn't (surprisingly) been covered anywhere. When making a vehicle or aircraft, you need to make cockpit and in cockpit you have all sorts of instruments. I have no idea how to implement them, what gauges I can have and how they should be made. Someone must know since dozens of tanks and aircraft have been made already. Please help me on this... -- Jusas