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Everything posted by Jools-695-

  1. Jools-695-

    Peeking over rocks, through windows etc.

    Even if they just added MOHAA style leaning it would be a bit better.
  2. Co-op campaign worked excellently in Hidden and Dangerous (which is still one of my fav games). It would work great in OFP
  3. Jools-695-

    1 thing i need!

    I would like to see vehicals made solid so you could sit in the back of a herc...stand up...lower the ramp and jump out the back yourself. Then use your chute from the menu as you fall. With a solid aircraft you could transport other vehicals inside too.
  4. Jools-695-

    Squad info half working?

    Ive just recently added another member to my squad but he only gets the info and not the squad pic in either the player screen or on vehicals. Works fine for everyone else. Were all running 1.46. Any ideas?