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About Jason-Alaska

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal


  • Interests
    Nothing really.... I'm quite...... B O R I N G ! ! !
  1. Jason-Alaska

    Adding your own face to ArmA

    I got a "kicked from server" message and my face.jpg is only 56k. It's an 8 bit JPG with meddium compression. Any suggestions?
  2. Jason-Alaska

    1.7 beta impressions

    Chi, Be sure to post your system specs with your bug report. That will help isolate what the hardware configurations may be that are causing some of the problems. And a reminder to everyone... This is a BETA!!!! There are supposed to be bugs! Please post your bugs and state if they are new with the beta or carry over bugs from an old version.Always, always post your system specs.
  3. Jason-Alaska

    Beautiful Feeling

    I designed a mission for OFP with much help from Kiegets(Sp?). It was an escape and evasion. Your squad started with a random insertion and very limited ammo. You had to make it to the evac and call for extraction. I added a script that made the AI in the immediate area aware of any friendly player above a certain altitude or in the open for too long. This simulated someone seeing the friendly player and kept the AI moving after the players. As a result the AI became relentless and the mission turned into cat and mouse. A mission I suspected would take about an hour on foot took my buddy and I over 4 hours to complete. Because we only had pistols to start we were hiding in the woods and crawling for ages. The mission started at 2am. It was now 4 AM and we were already 2 hours into the mission. We were surrounded and it looked like the end was near. We tried not to fire and draw any attention to us but the enemy was just too close. We were going to have to fight our way out and soon. Because of another script (random shot script) the AI would pop of shots where they last knew you were. This kept bullets firing and the night more interesting. Somehow, an AI enemy shot another AI enemy and all hell broke loose in the dark woods. They were firing EVERYWHERE and I was thinking.... This IS NOT the mission I made. What is going on?... It was chaos! I was about to call it quits thinking the script had buggered the whole mission when my buddy said "This is intense! Are those real players or AI? We gotta get out'a here!" In the darkness it really seemed like the AI was real players who had incorrectly identified each other as the enemy and were now shooting at one another. Using the unexpected chaos as a distraction we were able to make our way out of the woods and on to our LZ... 2 hours later... and miles from the last enemy contact, we call for extraction. The Blackhawk arrives several quiet, yet tense minutes later and we quickly board. The sun is just beginning to rise over the mountains as we lifted off and we witness the most beautiful sunrise I had ever seen in any game... Ever. Made only more wonderful by the fact that had just survived a 4+ hour mission. From the air we see long morning shadows and the woods we thought to be our sanctuary and free of any enemies was in fact crawling with enemies. We flew off with out incident but the knowledge of what was almost our doom, made that ride into the sunset even sweeter. Most memorable game ever. Beautiful.... That mission alone was worth the sticker price of OFP. I can't wait for more like that in ArmA.
  4. Jason-Alaska

    ArmA is out in the US..what are you waiting for?

    He's talking about investing in shelf space, not stock. Edited, THanks for clearing that up.
  5. Jason-Alaska

    Retail Store Availability?

    When you are asking about it in US stores be sure to ask for "ArmA" not Armed Assault. It is showing up in catalogs as "ArmA: Combat Operations" and the three stores I have asked knew nothing of "Armed Assault"
  6. Jason-Alaska

    Sniper Scope Tips

    I LOVED the sniper system in OFP... I have yet to figure out ArmA's... Is it guess work and practice to compensate for bullet drop/range? I would love to have OFP's sniper system back in place.
  7. Jason-Alaska


    I agree with Col.Flanders original point. I would like to see this added as an option. I would like to see further implementation by pressing the "hold breath" key locking the view forward and preventing the TIR from recognizing any input but the lean command.
  8. Jason-Alaska

    ArmA is out in the US..what are you waiting for?

    An earlier poster asked why US players didn't download it months ago from UK retailers. I'll answer that one. By waiting (which has been hell! to purchase ArmA from US retailers we are ensuring the success of future BIS titles getting released in the US. By spending money on "this side of the pond" the money goes to US retailers who will further invest money into BI's products so we will get to see more titles, add ons etc.
  9. Jason-Alaska

    Infantry, prepare to be amazed

    I just keep getting surprised by the additional features and fixes they release. OFP was the most played game I have ever owned. Looks like this one might knock it off the hard drive.
  10. Jason-Alaska


    I ordered the E Dimensional 3D Glasses With the Head Tracker IR and OFP is like a whole new game. For anyone considering getting 3D glasses to use with OFP RUN don't walk and order these glasses. When they arrive have a little patiance. The hardware/software takes about 5 minutes to set up. The settings for OFP take about a 1/2 hour to set up correctly. But once you set it up tou can save it and never have to worry about the setting for OFP again. If your considering the Tracker IR head tracking unit. I would say it's only a must if you have the glasses. It adds such an amazing element when you can simply turn your head and look over your shoulder in the game, or glance up and bring your rifle to bear on that pesky sniper. What ever you turn your head towards, you look at in the game. I've always prided myself on never getting any kind of motion sickness playing any video games... EVER. But when my buddy was flying the Apache in OFP and I was sitting in the gunner seat simply turning my head and looking around in 3D it was awesome! Then I spotted a target, a T-80 at 10 o-clock 800 meters! He banked hard and my stomach sank. The combination of 3D Glasses and the Head tracking unit brought our weapons to bear on the enemy tank fast. Faster then I could handle. I got a little quezzy. I fly on a regular basis, and I've flown "Combat" missions with Air Combat USA. I was only a little quezzy inverted at 4 .5 G's. I was a little less quezzy in my computer room. But I was quezzy none the less. Don't get me wrong, that's not a complaint... That's a complament! Talk about realism! If you're thinking about ordering the 3D Glasses or Tracker IR You can use this promotional code and get $5 off, simply enter 6874 into the promotional code field upon checkout, click redeem, and the'll handle the rest. If you order both at the same time you can get another $20 bucks off your order. Before I sound any more like a commercial for E Dimensional I'm going to go play with my E Dimensional 3D Glasses and my E Dimensional Tracker IR Head Tracking Unit in the 3 Dimensional world that E Dimensional has introduced me to! Jason-Alaska
  11. Jason-Alaska

    Excellent voice-command software: shoot

    I use Microsoft Game voice and really like it for OFP. I have all the radio commands programed. If you have Game Voice and need profiles for it go to: Game Voice Club and you can download profiles by the dozens.
  12. Jason-Alaska

    Ofp with 3d glasses

    You need to remap the 3D settings hot keys to keys the game isn't useing. I had the same problem till I remaped them.
  13. Jason-Alaska

    Resistance: can´t host mp games

    Suma, Thanks that did indeed do the trick I can host and everyone can see the game as long as I have it set to Direct Play and everyone trying to connect has it set to Direct Play. Thanks again!
  14. Jason-Alaska

    Multiplayer maps available

    This is so far off topic I can't believe I am posting it... But looking at the direction this whole post has gone, I guess it's par for the course! HellToupee, Did you ever play BattleZone 2? The 56Kers actually had an advantage over broadband players. It got to be that I would use a dial up to play BattleZone 2 and then reconnect to the net with my broadband after I was done. My system saw a 56Ker right in front of me. So I would shoot, only to see my shots go right through him because his connection wasn't fast enough to register the hit and send me a confermation. As a result the hit never happened. But a 56Ker could hit a broadband player everytime because the broadband connections was fast enough to register the hit and send the 56Ker confirmation on the hit. Eventially Activision figured out that the way they did the hit prediction sucked. It was great fun when Activision released a patch and EVERYONE had the same problem with hit prediction. That's when I stoped playing BZ2 BattleZone 2 was Comedy... Not unlike this post! Can't we all just get along and shoot eachother in OFP.
  15. Jason-Alaska

    Resistance: can´t host mp games

    Suma, Thanks for the reply. We will give that a try. I'm pretty sure we all did have it set to "Direct Play" but I'll confirm that and post back here if that does (or doesn't) resolve the problem. Thanks again!