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About Jdf791

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Flashpoint all the way!
  1. Jdf791

    My cargo boat

    Can ya post some screens m8?
  2. Jdf791

    Uh-1 huey

    Um... the shadows are in the wrong positions... maybe you should edit the pic a little more
  3. Jdf791

    Britney spears

    I knew he was crazy... -SFG
  4. Jdf791

    Seagull spies

    I think they should make a button so u can disable or enable them completly cause squad matches are ruined.. so what if u turn off side chat all squads use some kind of voice communication
  5. Jdf791

    Best mission editing tutorials?

    www.ofpeditingcenter.com enjoy!
  6. Jdf791

    Operation flashpoint between the lines?

    i have to agree with the post above me retaliation all the way!!
  7. Jdf791

    Why i am building a p4 pc....

    you should have went with AMD
  8. Jdf791

    Why i am building a p4 pc....

    you should have went with AMD
  9. Jdf791

    What dose the banners say?

    yea what does that mean?
  10. Jdf791

    What dose the banners say?

    yea what does that mean?
  11. Jdf791


    shuoldnt this be locked already... 20 pages long for what? a big arguement
  12. Jdf791

    What music are you listening to?

  13. Jdf791

    Operation flashpoint 2?

    well first welcoem to the forums 2nd i'm sure there will be 1 thers a expansion and another ofp comming this year.. hopefully
  14. Jdf791

    Forum music

    well your not alone i heard the music also.