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Posts posted by JungleBudz

  1. Ok, I have tried several things; starting groups out using MoveInCargo and AssignAsCargo, etc. But can't get the units into a boat which will disembark on the shore. The group has 4 units, the player and 3 playable units. When I use the AssignAsCargo, they don't even appear in them, when I use MoveInCargo, they appear in them, but when the boat reaches the shore and the waypoint 'Get Out' is reached. 3 soldiers will just APPEAR on the shore, noone will get out, etc.

    What I am needing is say Alpha group to enter the game in a boat, go to the shore, and the leader (when AI controlled in MP) says for All to Disembark, and they do.

    I have read through all the manuals, tried everything I can think of, etc. Please Help.

  2. This was my first thought.. but didn't think it would work. I just tested your solution by having a guy run around me in a 40ft x 40ft square, made a move waypoint over about 100 yards off the cycle waypoint. Put a tank beside his last waypoint, put a trigger on the other side of the tank and synced it with his last move waypoint. I also added TitleText["Trigger Set","plain down"] on the activate of the trigger to make sure it went off. I then took the player, went over and set off the trigger, and it didn't break his cycle.

    Any other suggestions?

  3. Ok, I have a mision where a group of AI units search the woods for enemies. I have this set to cyle on the last waypoint (which is of course by the first waypoint. Now, question is.. I would like to be able to break that cycle and have them head to another waypoint.

    The simulation is replicate an AI party searching untill a radio call tells them to come support a base (via a trigger of course.)

