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Everything posted by JungleBudz

  1. JungleBudz

    Boats on Entry

    Ok.. going to clarify more. I would like to do start like the mission Frog Fishing. In a boat, pulls up to the shore and disembark. If I use the script MoveInCargo for each of the team members and make a waypoint for the boat to the shore. It works.. 'IF' I am playing the leader of the group and tell them to disembark and only after I have gotten out of the boat. If I choose a playable guy that is NOT the leader of the group, the group leader never tells anyone to disembark even when it hits land.] Basically, how do these steps.. 1. Put 4 guys (3 playable, 1 player) in a boat when the mission starts. 2. If you are NOT the leader of the group, but rather the AI controlling the leader, have HIM tell everyone to disembark. Thanks.
  2. JungleBudz

    Boats on Entry

    Ok, what is the best way to have them start INSIDE the boat? using MoveInCargo in their init string. Thanks.
  3. Ok, I have a mision where a group of AI units search the woods for enemies. I have this set to cyle on the last waypoint (which is of course by the first waypoint. Now, question is.. I would like to be able to break that cycle and have them head to another waypoint. The simulation is replicate an AI party searching untill a radio call tells them to come support a base (via a trigger of course.) Thanks.
  4. JungleBudz

    Cycles and Waypoints

    I will try that.. but I would think that by doing that, you would stop the cycle, but when the trigger is set, it just starts its cycle.
  5. JungleBudz

    Cycles and Waypoints

    After thinking about it for a sec and writing a script to which uses LockWP, etc. Couldn't you when the trigger fires, just have the unit join a group at the destination you want them at and he would take their waypoints? Can you join a group to a group??
  6. JungleBudz

    Cycles and Waypoints

    This was my first thought.. but didn't think it would work. I just tested your solution by having a guy run around me in a 40ft x 40ft square, made a move waypoint over about 100 yards off the cycle waypoint. Put a tank beside his last waypoint, put a trigger on the other side of the tank and synced it with his last move waypoint. I also added TitleText["Trigger Set","plain down"] on the activate of the trigger to make sure it went off. I then took the player, went over and set off the trigger, and it didn't break his cycle. Any other suggestions?