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Jocko Flocko

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Everything posted by Jocko Flocko

  1. Jocko Flocko

    The m2/m3 bradley

    Looking pretty sharp! This will make a nice Accompaniment for Suchey's Marines.
  2. Jocko Flocko

    Cwc islands with resistance objects

    Are you using some kind of ground textures on these islands that are not in the pack? I can't seem to get my Islands to show the ground textures that you have in your screenshots...
  3. Jocko Flocko

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    Heres a quick COOP mission I put together. Uses BAS Littlebirds, Blackhawks, Delta/Rangers, and the new Island and OPFOR. http://members.rogers.com/ofp...._I1.pbo
  4. Jocko Flocko

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    When running The Jungle Ops COOP map with 8 people playing on our server, the server FPS never drops below 30, so the island isn't any more intensive on the server than any other Nogova map. Client side setups are the most important, and that map makers spawn AI at specific intervals, rather than have a 100 AI running around all at the same time on the map. Excellent island.
  5. Jocko Flocko

    A-1 skyraider

    I love this aircraft, looking forward to the retexture.
  6. Jocko Flocko

    Addon servers

    Rocks Raiders The Citadel Server Game Server: (the-citadel.us) Teamspeak Server: (the-citadel.us) ALL REQUIRED ADDONS Addon packs come as installers, which automatically create mod folders and proper shortcuts to your desktop. See this THREAD for complete details.
  7. Jocko Flocko

    Deltas and rangers released!

    We at Rocks Raiders would like to thank BAS for this superb addon. Â Last night I had the best COOP experience I have ever had since I bought OFP. Â These addons are installed on our server, pop in and say hello anytime. Â Keep up the great work BAS! Â Hers a little video I took last night on our server of these models being lit up by a flare trap. Delta Units Cheers Jocko Flocko[RR]
  8. I recently did a clean install of OFP version 1.20, and then I installed Resisitance. It brought OFP up to 1.49, and res upto 1.75. I can't seem to connect to a 1.46 server using the 1.49 executable, should I be able to? I keep getting the error message "version rejected by server" or something to that tone. Thanks.
  9. Jocko Flocko

    New soundpack for ofp and resistance

    Oh and the ability to use these sounds online on servers not running the same sound pack is key. Editing config files is an ancient and outdated technique not needed anymore.
  10. Jocko Flocko

    New soundpack for ofp and resistance

    I like this pack. Pretty good. If you were to make a pack that used Satchels assulat rifle sounds, I would be really happy. I can admire the time and effort it takes to encode all those sounds into friggin .wss format, and then re-pack them. it takes some patients.
  11. Jocko Flocko

    Where are satchels sounds?

    I like the ability to be able to use sound packs that dont effect the config files because I play online all the time. The only thing I can see wrong with Battlesounds 1.0 are the M16 and AK47 sounds. I really liked the assualt rifle sounds from the Dynamic Range sound pack, put those back in and I will be a happy camper.
  12. Jocko Flocko

    The "Fade" thing

    "Actually this is not true, OFP does not install FADE in the registry in any way" Would you like to see registry comparisons before and after applying a NO-CD crack? And if you are thinking that the strings would be stored under the entries BIS or Codemasters, think again.
  13. Jocko Flocko

    The "Fade" thing

    the "fade" thing kicks in when the game finds that the .exe has been altered. The the game then rights a string to the registry which causes some game issues. "fade" is not a fabulous new technology, all it is doing is making registry entries...
  14. Is this only happening with OFP? I have had Kernal 32 errors in the past and have found that playing with order my RAM modules are in helped. IE: put your largest RAM module in DIMM 1, second largest in DIMM 2, etc.. With mine i have: 256MB DIMM 1 128MB DIMM 2 128MB DIMM 3
  15. Jocko Flocko

    Crackling Sound : call for a patch

    I just switched to Windows XP Pro, and am now experiencing this problem as well.