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About Jester

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  1. Jester

    New usermade Campaign available

    Cheers m8, good to see peeps putting some effort into making campaigns
  2. Jester

    PMC Fury OFP New usermade Campaign available

    Cheers m8, good to see peeps putting some effort into making campaigns
  3. Jester

    I need a patriotic show of hands!

    Yea the SA 80 is a joy to fire, after just 10 mins I felt really confident with it, I was gettin tight groups at 200m even while firing off whole clips in 10-15 odd secs. Reloadin and strippin was quick n easy, Â I felt like I was a vet! Ok it has reliability probs but they are being sorted. Ok the L1A1 is prefered by alot of old sweats but in most situations I'd go for the SA80. Â You guys probably know that when the L1A1 was brought into service in the 50s a lot of squaddies said they prefered the old Enfield. Â The army is a conservative institution by nature lads. (Edited by Jester at 3:57 pm on Dec. 7, 2001)
  4. Jester

    Now listen here, all you motherf**kers....

    LOL Mr Sniper heh, we're sharp today aren't we sir.
  5. Jester

    Now listen here, all you motherf**kers....

    Rah nice figure m8, I take that back sir, I'm pushin mere 100kg. ON MY WAY MR KANE!!
  6. Jester

    Now listen here, all you motherf**kers....

    LOL sorry mate.
  7. Jester

    Now listen here, all you motherf**kers....

    LOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLLOL. No seriously, your both right. Yes. I too got this game the day it came out in the U.K. but have only a few posts. Yes I still read this forum yet I don't play the game anymore for the reasons apeman mentioned. Yes I spend to much dam time on the net. Yes I would like to think I'm not a complete saddo. (Does a gf, baby, n half decent job count??) Yes I'd bet I can bench more than you Wisdom. I think I could be your love child. This is a bench mark game lets not drag these forums into the s**te like so many others.
  8. Jester

    Now listen here, all you motherf**kers....

    Chill out Yanks your both right. Â (Edited by Jester at 11:46 pm on Nov. 24, 2001)