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About Jemimus

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  1. Been playing Warfare and we cant figure out how to use the Hellfires anymore. In the Cobra we can at least see a laser dot, but its untargetable, and the Hellfires just fly off straight out in all modes. They seem to be ignoring the laser dot. In the Apache we cant even see a laser dot, and the Hellfires just fly straight off there as well. Are we doing something wrong? Is it bugged? How should it be functioning?
  2. Jemimus

    Cheytac M200

    You should seriously considder adding this gun to the ACE2 project. It would make an awesome addition and would fit very very nicely into the other sniping stuff they have been working on. Also, it would instantly expose your work to everyone that is or will use ACE, which would be... almost everyone playing Arma2 :)
  3. Jemimus

    Badlands Incompletable

    I have restarted this mission a few times now with the same result: I conquered the first two villages Novy Sobor and Stary Sobor, but then nothing else happens. No cutscene or radio communications. I built a base, bought some tanks and took over the other 2 villages. Mission doesn't end, the objective of "conquer region" seems to be met, then resets. Nothing else happens. What do I do now? If I end the mission with the console command, does it mess up further choices in the game?