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Everything posted by JediDave

  1. JediDave

    miision: Incursion

    Tell everybody in your squad to stop. Go by your self. Go towards the righ and through the woods. Climb the really big hill on the the back face (the steep face) get to a point where you are close to the top of the hill but can still overlooking the grid Eb53 - 52 (when the end of the road is, there should be lotsa soldiers). Get out your binoculars and you should be able to spot some part of the scud truck. Order the tanks and choppers to come in and blow up the scud with a LAW(have to aim quite high as it is quite a fair way away) and use the distractions caused by the tanks and choppers to climb up the hill and over the other side and to the retrival point.
  2. JediDave

    C01: Convoy

    Umm not getting your bug but getting others. (I've already posted about them on the BUGS forum.) When i get to the second auto save point ht egame crashes back to windows when it tries to autosave. But! if i kill all the russians in the ambush before the auto save it works fine. And then after, in Lamintine, the 3rd autosave crashes ... am i surpose to wait outside the town and kill the BMP and the T72 before comming inside??