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About Jadefury

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  1. Jadefury

    need an MP concept Idea??

    How about a cooperative mission called Desperate Measures? Bacically the Soviets have moved onto Malden with an entire regiment of air, amrour and mechanized infantry to face off against an AMercin mechanzied infantry battalion with a company of amour and a company of air support. Outmannned, outnumbered and outgunned the Americnas put up a valiant struggle but in the end are forced into full retreat. The Aemricn backed resistance, elft to its own devices, begins to crumble. Your resistance cell, located in Dourdan, has managed to fight off an initial Soviet occupation of the town, but is facing forces baring down on you quikcly. The Americnas have abandoned you and pulled back to La Trinite, where they are prepping for a last stand while air support is inbound to evacuate them. Make it to La Trinite, avoinding Soveit forces clsoing in on your path. Betray the AMercins, hitch a ride in a chopper and hi ghtail it to the boat launch where a refugee ship is about to set sail for the mainland. Or steal a civilian car and make it through the SOviet checkpoints to the other side of the Insland and take the boat out. ####, steal a ride from the SOviets and blast a path there. Just eacape to live, and get to that refugee boat.