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    Joining during a battle

    CS DOES NOT EVEN COME CLOSE TO FLASH POINT. I DELETED COUNTER-STRIKE OFF MY MACHINE. CS is so lame. And Played beta 1 till present untill flash point came out. They have add more weapons in one month than CS has added since it came out. CS is so unrealistic too I hated the quake jumping people running around jumping like bunny rabits, head shots with aim bots and every other cheat that was made. I deleted CS off my box and now I have FLASHPOINT IT WILL NEVER GO BACK. I argee that FLASH POINT needs to have the ability to come in to an open slot of the game. It can even work with a coop too. let say you got 3 people in the game and the rest of your team is AI, well that means the rest of the AI on you team is open slots and they just become one of your team untill there is no room left. But the main thing is if you could join mid game there would be alot more action in the server... on a good T-1 server when people could jooin in it would become all out WAR and I KNOW that is what all us FLASHPOINT FANS WANT!!!! WARRRR!!!!!!!!!