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Everything posted by JRyan

  1. JRyan

    Whats this?

    wow nice game Looks great! I Hope to see more soon...
  2. JRyan

    Any games set in vietnam war?

    I don't know any GOOD game based on Vietnam War so far... if you're a Vietnam War's fan, visit this website... http://www.outsiderdevelopment.sk/ maybe too early but just to tell you that you'll be satisfy soon Â
  3. JRyan

    Ofp to become next r6?

    A LOT (I'd say almost 50%) of R6 fans are OFP fans or big players... the only thing i don't like is the old R6 fans are playing the same way with OFP in MP! They shouldn't
  4. JRyan

    What music are you listening to?

    I'm listening it... http://nutty.chris.com/nutty....oom.mp3 burp!
  5. JRyan

    Whats military career are you interested in?

    hm well seriously I don't think the danger to die is higher when you're soldier than the little African boy in the ZaÄre, Congo or in Ethiopia right now... They are saying that you've more chance to die with your hands on your steering than on your rifle and for me it's true! I prefer to die over there than in my car... its my thought. By the way that doesn't means im a soldier with suicidal tendencies ... I just prefer to have a death which I will have served for my country, for the world and for something of great than a death for nothing here... isn't it? The death ain't good... but you're not choosing your day of death, I can die by going to do my grocer's shop tomorrow night then it would be the worst death of my life, on the other side... on the battlefield it would be the best one nevertheless! That's my voice on the death! Â
  6. JRyan

    Whats military career are you interested in?

    ASSAULT... I'm Reserve right now in the 48th Highlanders of Canada, Alpha Company. To the beginning I was in the Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, 60th Company... there I got my hard time... well it was hard for everyone, really tough trainings all days but some weekends after only 2 weeks! here's the website of the 48th Highlanders of Canada... if you want some infos  http://www.48highlanders.com/acoy_cover.html I tell you right now that I'll go in the Regular really really soon for sure, maybe this year but this is a big decision... so I'm training and waiting the good moment, but the military is my life and I like it so much and when I was a young boy that was my only thought in class , but the time is running out so quickly  Are you in the Canadian Armed Forces yourself? I hope some replies... see ya.
  7. JRyan

    Whats military career are you interested in?

    I'm in the Canadian Army myself since two years and an half and the only one in my family to be in military career was my grandfather and he was in the infantry too! I chose the Army because that asks for much more physical movements and stamina during a training or a real battle and there's more varieties... according me it's simply more interesting! BTW if I was as American nationality I'd choose the Marine for sure... there, its action!
  8. JRyan

    Artillery script...

    Well they should put an example for each script. We ain't all professional scripters!
  9. Someone did a mission with the artillery script? Because I really don't know what to do to change the direction of explosions or artillery fire on the map... Someone can explain me please.
  10. JRyan

    Artillery script...

    yes but where I gotta put this... Targetmarker,Spread,Guns,Reloadtime,Ammo,Delay] exec "heavy_ari.sqs" ?? and this... ["myTarget", 40, 3, 4, 100, 15] exec "heavy_ari.sqs" ?? Their script is completly mixed...
  11. JRyan

    Artillery script...

    madmike i know I got the script there... and they are not helping anyone... they just say "you have to change only these lines".... duh Where? I've the "ari_spotter.sqs" file in my mission... doesn't work, I tried and changed everything they said. I'm supposed to put it in "mission.sqm" or apart in the folder?
  12. Hi I'd like to know how can I change txt. in ext.? I need to know that to put a music on my mission... thanks!
  13. JRyan

    Txt. to ext.

    Well in my mission folder I've my "description.ext" , "Music" folder and of course "mission.sqm"
  14. JRyan

    Txt. to ext.

    Not working. heh yes my .ogg is in a folder called "Music" But my "description.ext" is not in the "Music" folder... should I put this file in? I don't think so...
  15. JRyan

    Txt. to ext.

    Intruder, I tried your script and the game closed again... The man or iron, that doesn't work I really don't know what to do! Intruder are you the guy he made a mission with the "born to be wild" song in the chopper?
  16. JRyan

    Txt. to ext.

    good i can see the song in the edit effects option... but when the soldier get on this waypoint to start the song the game get closed alone... Can you help me on this one
  17. JRyan

    Txt. to ext.

    oh no im liar I've another problem ... about my script to get a song in my mission. here is the script, I called the song "songoffreedom" to testing... class cfgmusic { tracks[]= { songoffreedom }; class songoffreedom { name = "songoffreedom"; sound[] = {\music\songoffreedom.ogg. db:50, 1.0); }; }; Somthing is wrong? or that's something else...
  18. JRyan

    Txt. to ext.

    great I've no problem anymore thanks a lot!!
  19. JRyan

    Txt. to ext.

    yes, my question was the second one. and i understand 50% of what you told. I need to know where's and what's the "My computer" thing? after it will be easy... because I ever seen it so far.