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About IronTrooper

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  1. IronTrooper

    Questions for DEVS (programmers)

    I think he's one of those poeple who think that supporting something makes it automatically better :rolleyes:
  2. IronTrooper

    Performance ramifications of various mods

    I think that as long as the mods don't contain too much of scripting or special effects, it shouldn't slow down the game. ACE does a little for me, WarFX in some situations, SLX a little, but most of the others are usually just replacement mods/addons (sound, vehicles, units, islands, ...) - those are no problem.
  3. IronTrooper

    AI and grass, fixed?

    See ya in a couple of months
  4. IronTrooper

    thermal vision

    Yeah, but I'd say in military it's more useful (better to look at) if it's just black and white.
  5. IronTrooper

    Analogue Throttle

    The throttle seems to behave analog for me, and there is a separate input for brakes in the settings.
  6. IronTrooper

    [OA] Leanin' while in vehicles

    I like it, thumbs up BIS
  7. Looks great Feint http://www.lightstormimages.com/gallery/games/arma2/f16screens/fullsize/F16-029.jpg
  8. IronTrooper

    Aiming animations

    It had been suggested a few times, and it hasn't changed. So it's probably not a simple task or a high priority for the devs.
  9. The game looks pretty even with low PP, I think :) One more:
  10. IronTrooper

    Graphics engine improvement

    That "z-fighting" is a immersion killer. You try to make a nice life like flir video but within the first 2 seconds it's obvious it's a game because of blinking textures.
  11. I'm not sure how it's in OA, but in A2 I had noticed that tracers are not too often visible. Seemed to be bound to the distance from the camera and possibly the camera angle. Maybe optimalization reasons? Anyway, I don't like guessing just from the sounds where the enemy is.
  12. I like the new recoil because it makes you readjust the aiming but I won't mind if a different solution is used, just don't let it keep returning to the same position.
  13. IronTrooper

    Bad reload animations?

    I don't mind the animations much, but the reloading times are unrealistically too short. It's always faster to reload than pull out your sidearm.
  14. IronTrooper

    no roadkill

    This is what I don't understand. Considering AI driving skills and AI "micro-walking" abilities, wouldn't it be better if drivers didn't try to avoid pedestrians but let the pedestrians avoid the vehicles? I think it's the other way around now and the result is that when a car encouters someone in its path, it slows down then does some half circles around and runs over the guy anyway. The car is unnecessary delayed.