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About Iena

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. Hi my friend,anyone know roughly,when would leave the patch 1:05? In this year or 2010?:confused:
  2. Iena

    Cpu Limited or not?

    Because i have a RamDisk to play Arma 2 smoothly. Now i have this problem,:eek::eek::eek: It's horrible.I don't know what I do... I quit the game by pressing ALT + TAB, and return,to play in good condition... Why?
  3. Iena

    Cpu Limited or not?

    Please,can anyone that have an Intel Q9650, post how many FPS can reach? Please?
  4. Iena

    Cpu Limited or not?

    I have a RamDisk,but the situation little better :eek::eek:
  5. Iena

    Cpu Limited or not?

    Hi my friend,i have add -cpucount=4 to my shortcut,but it's the same...:(
  6. Iena

    Cpu Limited or not?

    I know,but i can't buy a new processor for a game,and i can't belive that 3.8 GHz quad core,is poor for an actual game...
  7. Hi my friend,i have decided to write this thread because I tried all the solutions to solve this problem but I failed:( This is my Spec: language="Italian"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=100000; Resolution_Bpp=32; Resolution_W=1280; Resolution_H=1024; refresh=60; Render_W=1280; Render_H=1024; FSAA=3; postFX=2; HDRPrecision=8; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=928452352; nonlocalVRAM=349175807; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=8; Win XP 32 Bit Asus Rampage Formula 8 GB Ram Q6600 2.4 Ghz @3.8 Ghz Power 750 w Corsair Evga 295 GTX Patch 1.4 with beta buildings 59210 I play Arma 2 at any resolution and any setting Ex (No AA, AA to very high,1680 x 1050,1280x1024,800x600 etc.) I have the same frame rate in campaign mode or 25 FPS... In the Sp mission I can reach 60-80 FPS,why? If i was CPU limited the SP,Editor and Campaign,should have the same fps,or not? The campaign is very buggy but reading the forum, I know that some people with my same spec can play with better FPS,why? Please help me...
  8. Hi my friend,you mean to me? The way to play is become a beta tester...:):)
  9. But today there isn't a way to play the campaign of Arma 1 on Arma 2, or not? If i don't know this,how can I sign up to become a tester. ?:(
  10. Sorry for my English but I always try to write in a more correct way.. :) For kju: I have read the OAC forum,but i have not understand nothing,it's so technical,and i am not an expert modder...:(:( But I don't understand why I can play the SP missions of Arma1 but not the campaign... Thanks a lot For SnakeGRNET: Thanks a lot friend, I was really happy when I saw many responses on this threads... So today there isn't a way to play the campaign of Arma 1 on Arma 2, right? Only tester....right? Many thanks to all.
  11. I know my friend,i hope that someone can help us:(:(
  12. Hi at all my friend,today i have read this awensome AddoN CAA1 and i have install it... I have open the editor and i have find the Arma1 Maps:eek::eek::eek: It's beautiful,there is a lot of stuf....:eek::eek Now i will play the campaign of Arma 1 on Arma 2,but i have read a lot of guide on armaholic,dev-heaven,but i don't understand nothing... Now I am not an expert modder, and then ask you if you could create a guide for us newbies to help us understand this wonderful world of mod ... I have install CAA1,and i have create a mod folder that i have called Campaign in the main folder of Arma2... I have put the campaign.pbo that i have take from my Arma1 folder,and i have placed in the Campaign folder in Arma 2... I start Arma2 and i chose the campign,but i have this erro message and i return to windows... Error Message; Config: some imput after EndOFile I have put the SP mission and some wors and some not... I apologize for my English,and I ask you to help us,to create this guide,please..
  13. Please my friend,can you tell me what i will do... Please,please...
  14. Thanks a lot my friend,i have just read this post,but i have not understand nothing,please help me....:butbut::butbut:
  15. Hi my friend,i have istalled Caa1 and i have put the Arma 1 campaign in a create folder,in the main directory of Arma 2,but when i start the campaign i received this error message: Config: some imput after EndOFile And then it returns to windows... Please hel me...