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Everything posted by ISOC_mp33

  1. ISOC_mp33

    Armed Assault videos

    Nice vid indeed =) Although I prefer to stay on the ground this is good for learning material =)
  2. ISOC_mp33

    Flecktarn Units v1.0 (WIP)

    I like the darker one. Actually there are two "kinds". Whenever you get a new battledress they look way darker than many photos show. I just got a new one, because my old was burned on a few places, because shells burned my dress on a few spaces while we had a G36 exercise. So I requested a new dress and I was wondering myself why it's so dark. Of course, if you were in the woods with it 5-6 times and washed it regularly they look brighter. But If you ever worn a dress you may notice there are two sorts of the Woodland Flecktarn. The inside of the shirt is light-green and the new ones have the inside dark-green, noticed that on a new one's shirt. But I really like this, just downloading it =)
  3. ISOC_mp33

    Armed Assault Squad Directory

    Squad name: International Special Operations Commandos Squad acronym: ISOC Squad location: Worldwide Squad webpage: http://www.Team-ISOC.de Squad contact: LTC mp33, ISOC Btl CO, mp33@team-isoc.de; MSN: martin.pitsch@gmail.com; XFire: mp33 Squad status: Recruiting/Active (Mainly Coop)