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Everything posted by Issetea

  1. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    1. There is a Carshop in Obregan selling Pickups AND a skoda. 2. The lag which is mentioned by some players is mostly caused by the download of the mission during the first few days after a release. 3. Using the check inventory cops can see if the player really has drugs. 4. Progress of the mission is NOT supported by servers switching back to version 1.12 (and/or one of the unofficial edits). 5. Progress can only be achieved by players trying the new version and giving feedback. Greetings Issetea
  2. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    Just add me in X-Fire (issetea) or ICQ (283776375) if you want to know more about the beta tests. ATM we don't know when the next beta test will be.
  3. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    Version 1.20 released. This version needs ArmA >= 1.09. As said before we will try to release the next version soon in order to prevent edits of the mission. Download link on the first page is updated to 1.20.
  4. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    Current Situation of Sahrani Life : Next Version: 1.20 New Features: Are listed in the first post of the Sahrani Life topic Release Date: This month Additional Information: Version 1.20 will bring a lot of new features. After the release of the next version we will try to release a new version with some changes every week, so the players don't have to wait long for bugfixes and we can stop the edits of Sahrani Life. Furthermore, we want to say that you should not support servers messing around with the version number (calling it v6 or removing it for example). If the version is edited, just add a note to _the end_ of the mission name and keep the original version number. Greetings, Issetea
  5. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    There are no admin commands and there will never be any admin commands (you cannot check who is admin via scripts and even admins should not be allowed to cheat). BTW we are still looking for someone who wants to help us with the mission. 1. We need help choosing addons and contacting the addon makers. 2. It would be nice to have a small "official" team of beta testers who can spend a lot of time testing the mission together. In addition, someone would have to organzie the tests. You can contact me via ICQ (283-776-375) or X-Fire (issetea). Greetings, Issetea
  6. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    Fewo and me did not have time to work on the mission for some RL reasons in the past weeks, but now we are back online :). I would like to mention a new feature of the mission - some people who played the last beta test already know about it - which was also a suggestion seen in some posts while fewo and me were offline: Factories. The next version of Sahrani Life will include four buyable factories. A weapon-factory, vehicle-factory, item-factory and a ressource-factory. Every factory has its own storage where ressources, which can be gathered in different areas, can be stored (Maybe some people already noticed that players are able to gather wood in the forests north east of Bagango in 1.12). Using the ressources objects can be created. Greetings, Issetea
  7. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    It's time for the new changes we plan to include in the next version of Sahrani Life again :) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> - changed: Camera is used instead of disable the user input when the player is stunned - changed: shop slider adjusted to 25 - changed: university money now depends on how long the player was at a workplace since the last paycheck arrived - added: Items can be stored in vehicles (every vehicle has a limit in kg) - You can only access the vehicle storage when you have a key - the storage is not saved - added: The money you have on your bank account and in your inventory is shown in the bank dialog - added: The money you have in your inventory is shown in the shops PS: The bomb message (which shows the name of the civ who used the bomb) is random and won't appear very often.
  8. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    The items will stay in the storage, so if you buy a shop and drop some money and other items in it then it will be still there after you reconnected. Greetings Issetea
  9. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    Here are some new things from the changelog of the new version: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> - added: new inventory item: Bag for removal of weapons which are placed on the ground (The bag and the weapons will dissappear when used) - added: new inventory item: Bomb defuse kit to defuse bombs such as the arma stachel charge and mines - added: Mayor gets 75% of the taxes (all players paid since the last paycheck arrived) with his own pacheck - added: Stored items (Hideout and Shops) are saved now - added: Hideout saved (You have it in you inventory after you reconnected)
  10. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    Here is the new Version changelog for the mission (The scripts aren't all done so this list may changes): <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> - added: Bank cannot be used by other players after it has been robbed (for around 10 mins / until it can be robbed again) - fixed: Player isn't able to use the Bank/ATMs after he robbed the bank - fixed: Error which occured when a player who does not have a mobile phone tried to recieve an sms - added: Free manually moveable camera for cops (Only at copbase; can be moved via dialog buttons or using W/S/A/D and Num+/Num- for zoom) - fixed: When a player respawns while being in prison he will be arrested when he is alive again - fixed: When a player disconnects while being in prison and reconnects before the game restarts he will be send to prison right after he spawned - changed: Skoda in nearly every vehicleshop now - added: Inventory Item: small repair kit (Can be used on small vehicles - cars - only and no license is needed) - added: Interaction menu for Civ->Civ interaction: A civ can check another civs inventory or steal something from him when he is stunned or has his hands up (only if no cops are near - 20meters) - fixed: Placed some "Wires" around the prison so players cannot escape that easily - added: Cops can be watched on the Civ cam for free (cam is still only available for cops) - added: Crimelog for cops: A dialoglist where the cop can see when a civ has done something illegal. Saved crimes: Steal money; rob the bank; get in/out prison; escape from prison; die; Kill a civ or a cop, bombs, tickets - removed: heavy Weapon and Vehicle shops removed - More Infos later - changed: Ticket slider range changed to 100 - 100,000 - fixed: AI Workers can't drive into bases anymore (Cop workers can't enter Terror camp and Civ workers can't enter Cop base) - added: Public hint when a bomb exploades (Showing the Civ who used the bomb) - added: Added addons in the addon version: RH Pistol Pack (thanx to RobertHammer for the permission) - Weapons can be bought at the Handgun shop - added: Cops spawn with the weapons and magazines they had when they died - changed: No weapons in the cop crates; Weapons and Mags can be bought at the copshop - added: Vehicles can be locked and unlocked via the action menu as long as the player has the key in his inventory - changed: Cop siren has blue and red light - added: Items can be stored at shops - WATCH OUT! The shop automatically sells some items each paycheck and will then have some money in it while the items are gone - added: players can try to open other cars with lockpicks (the key will then be added to the inventory and the lock/unlock action will appear) - if the action fails the lockpick will be removed and the player won't get the key - changed: moved some licenseflags and shops - added: mayor is able set taxes for weapons, magazines, item,s vehicles, bank transfers - added: mayor can set laws and is elected via a dialog available for all players at the mayor hall. Cops can also become the mayor. - added: new inventory items: Donuts - changed: Some licenseshops/Itemshops are moved - changed: Added some default values for the laws for the time before the mayor has been elected - added: Taxes which can be set by the mayor have a default value in the beginning so all prices are changed a little Again i want to say that we are still looking for addon makers who want to work in a team with fewo and me and that we are also looking for some people who want to translate Sahrani Life into other languages. PS: I also updated the first page with these information. Greetings Issetea
  11. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    OK just for you here's a small list of things we will work on in the future :). It is not sure if all these things are included in the next version of Sahrani Life. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> - added: Bank cannot be used by other players after it has been robbed (for around 10 mins / until it can be robbed again) - fixed: Player isn't able to use the Bank/ATMs after he robbed the bank - fixed: Error which occured when a player who does not have a mobile phone tried to recieve an sms - added: Free manually moveable camera for cops (Only at copbase; can be moved via dialog buttons or using W/S/A/D and Num+/Num- for zoom) - fixed: When a player respawns while being in prison he will be arrested when he is alive again - fixed: When a player disconnects while being in prison and reconnects before the game restarts he will be send to prison right after he spawned - changed: Skoda in nearly every vehicleshop now - added: Inventory Item: small repair kit (Can be used on small vehicles - cars and boats - only and no license is needed) - added: Interaction menu for Civ->Civ interaction: A civ can check another civs inventory or steal something from him when he is stunned or has his hands up (only if no cops are near - 20meters) - fixed: Placed some "Wires" around the prison so players cannot escape that easily - added: Cops can be watched on the Civ cam for free (cam is still only available for cops) - added: Crimelog for cops: A dialoglist where the cop can see when a civ has done something illegal. Saved crimes: Steal money; rob the bank; get in/out prison; escape from prison; die; Kill a civ or a cop We (Fewo is back on :p) also add some new scripts but that will be a surprise :). Again i want to call for help with addon suggestions and we are still looking for some addon makers to work with. In addition to that it would be nice to have the mission translated into some other languages (I think i saw a russian version somewhere). If you want to help us just post here or leave me a PM. Greetings Issetea
  12. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    BTW if you did not see that already - the first page was updated to version 1.12 yesterday. Here's the changelog: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> - fixed: "Set unwanted" works - fixed: Some minor performance improvements - changed: Siren light adjusted - changed: flaglight adjusted - fixed: Giving keys to other players works - fixed: Stun Error fixed (found in debug version only) - changed: More chars for SMS, Guild names, Laws -> such as: ( ) :; ^ * + - / - fixed: Hideout storage slider adjusted - fixed: Hunger set to 0 when arrested - added: Cops will be arrested and send to a small prison(-hangar) in the cop base when spawn killing (or when killing more than 5 cops) - fixed: Vehicles won't get deleted when placed in the ammo crate hangar or on the "H"s in the police base - added: Action added to the Helipad at prison -> Able to teleport to the main island (only until the choppers work again) - added: Roadblocks will automatically be moved when no player is withint 300 meters - added: Cops have GPS by default - fixed: Civ20 is visible in all dialogs now - changed: adjusted some prices - changed: Stun bullet only exists for three seconds to limit the range - changed: Cop and Civ - licenses are saved seperately now I'm now working on the next version. As i already mentioned before there will be an addon version of Sahrani Life in the future, so i'm looking for some nice addons to include (with signatures). If you want to see some addons in the mission post your suggestions here :). If you are an addon maker and would like to help me please leave me PM. (Please don't post addons such as tanks or rocket launchers - the addon should be something which fits to the mission -> Police vehicles, swat units...)
  13. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    Version 1.11 is ready now :) new changes: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> - fixed: Boat and airlicense now work - fixed: Roadblock direction fixed - changed: player is able to use (! $ , ?) in edit boxes - added: Vehicleshop in Masbete sells normal Cars - added: Restaurantes und Garages - fixed: player can buy vehicles in the terrorhideout - changed: hunger raises slower - fixed: RPG ammo at Terror hideout - changed: players start with 8500 so they can afford a license, a vehicle and some items at start - changed: Some weapons are cheaper than in Version 1.1 (Rocket launchers) - changed: SD Mags of the Makarov (Pistol) are now Stun Ammo. You need to keep a certain distance between you and the target (~10 meters), else the shot can be deadly. - added: Dialog to change the graphic settings at base-hospital (civ and cop hospital tent) - added: Mission Parameter to set the refresh time of Civmarkers outside of a City. Cops will always be able to see Civmarkers in a city or when they are closer than 200 meters - changed: Itemshop Dialog reopens/stays when used - changed: Only players who are ingame are visible in most dialogs now - removed: Teleportation script is deactivated (The player is not able to get a teleporter); The script still exists and can be reactivated at any time - changed: Siren only in "Land" vehicles - added: Game remembers your "dead-wait-time" - added: two trainings (work in progress): Medic training, engineer training - added: Light when using the siren; using the action a second time will turn the siren off again - changed: Limited the maximum text length for PMs, Laws and Guild names to 60 chars - added: Action to delete the own hideout - it will be added to your inventory again - added: Public message when giving a ticket; the civ then gets a small dialog where he can choose to pay the ticket or not. The cop will be informed about the answer via groupchat. - changed: empty/idle Vehicles are now deleted after 40 minutes if no player is near it - added: Shop and Workplace - Ownerinformation in Statdialog - changed: Less weapons in cop crates - changed: Cops are not allowed to sell weapons and mags - added: Cop now start with a stun gun (Makarov SD + some Mags), an MP5(+some Mags), NVG and a Binoc (but have less weapons in their ammo crates) - changed: Rifle and Pistol can be holstered at the same time - changed: sms and starve msg are now in a titletext - added: Ability to store items at the hideout (Not saved on Server) - changed: No license needed when buying items/weapons/vehicles at the terror camp - changed: Marker symbols are now smaller - added: Training needed when using some items (medikit, bombs, repairkits) - changed: Civ Markers are now yellow - changed: Bounty of 0$ can be set to set someone wanted All information on first page are updated now and you can download the mission. If you find any bugs in this Version please post them on this forum or leave me PM (or ask for my ICQ/X-Fire).
  14. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    Ok guys, i think it's time to inform you about the status of the mission again, so here's the new changelog for 1.11 first: - fixed: Boat and airlicense now work - fixed: Roadblock direction fixed - changed: player is able to use (! $ , ?) in edit boxes - added: Vehicleshop in Masbete sells normal Cars - added: Restaurantes und Garages - fixed: player can buy vehicles in the terrorhideout - changed: hunger raises slower - fixed: RPG ammo at Terror hideout - changed: players start with 8500 so they can afford a license, a vehicle and some items at start - changed: Some weapons are cheaper than in Version 1.1 (Rocket launchers) - changed: SD Mags of the Makarov (Pistol) are now Stun Ammo. You need to keep a certain distance between you and the target (~10 meters), else the shot can be deadly. - added: Dialog to change the graphic settings at base-hospital (civ and cop hospital tent) - added: Mission Parameter to set the refresh time of Civmarkers outside of a City. Cops will always be able to see Civmarkers in a city or when they are closer than 200 meters - changed: Itemshop Dialog reopens/stays when used - changed: Only players who are ingame are visible in most dialogs now - removed: Teleportation script is deactivated (The player is not able to get a teleporter); The script still exists and can be reactivated at any time - changed: Siren only in "Land" vehicles - added: Game remembers your "dead-wait-time" - added: two trainings (work in progress): Medic training, engineer training - added: Light when using the siren; using the action a second time will turn the siren off again - changed: Limited the maximum text length for PMs, Laws and Guild names to 60 chars - added: Action to delete the own hideout - it will be added to your inventory again - added: Public message when giving a ticket; the civ then gets a small dialog where he can choose to pay the ticket or not. The cop will be informed about the answer via groupchat. - changed: empty/idle Vehicles are now deleted after 40 minutes if no player is near it - added: Shop and Workplace - Ownerinformation in Statdialog - changed: Less weapons in cop crates - changed: Cops are not allowed to sell weapons and mags - added: Cop now start with a stun gun (Makarov SD + some Mags), an MP5(+some Mags), NVG and a Binoc (but have less weapons in their ammo crates) I'm still working alone since Fewo hasn't come online for nearly one week now and in addition to that the lag bug still has to be found. Going to have some more tests on that one. When the main bugs are fixed i think that i will start looking for some nice addons for the addon version of Sahrani Life (There will still be a version without addons as i said a few weeks ago). Edit: Because i'm using the new 1.09 string functions that version is needed.
  15. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    OK guys, here is the current changelog for the next version. The release will be soon. - fixed: Boat and airlicense now work - fixed: Roadblock direction fixed - changed: player is able to use (! $ , ?) in edit boxes - added: Vehicleshop in Masbete sells normal Cars - added: Restaurantes und Garages - fixed: player can buy vehicles in the terrorhideout - changed: hunger raises slower - fixed: RPG ammo at Terror hideout - changed: players start with 8500 so they can afford a license, a vehicle and some items at start - changed: Some weapons are cheaper than in Version 1.1 (Rocket launchers) - changed: SD Mags of the Makarov (Pistol) are now Stun Ammo. You need to keep a certain distance between you and the target (~10 meters), else the shot can be deadly. - added: Dialog to change the graphic settings at base-hospital (civ and cop hospital tent) - changed: Itemshop Dialog reopens/stays when used - changed: Only players who are ingame are visible in most dialogs now - added: Mission Parameter to set the refresh time of Civmarkers outside of a City. Cops will always be able to see Civmarkers in a city or when they are closer than 200 meters - removed: Teleportation script is deactivated (The player is not able to get a teleporter); The script still exists and can be reactivated at any time
  16. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    I'm rewriting the whole marker script atm so i think it should be possible to include it as a Parameter of the mission. The idea of the teleporter is, that it should give civs the ability to teleport back to a city/hideout when they lost their vehicle or something like that. Because it's unrealistic we've set a high price on using that item. The problem with that is: Civs who lost their vehicle can't teleport if they don't have money. So the only reason why the script exists is that it already exists (since our OFP version) and we never really thought of removing it. I'm off for today, gn8
  17. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    Didn't want to call you a spammer - i meant everything that came together from all sides (forum, our long todo list, private chats), so i didn't care much about what i said after some time. About the markers: No markers outside of the city are too easy for civs (-> Spreekill, Snipe, don't use streets at all so no one will ever find them) and markers everywhere are too easy for cops (-> Civs have no chance to escape). I think that there has to be another solution... Anyway we have the marker jammer for the civs and until know we rather supported the cops to prevent civs from spreekilling without being found by the police.
  18. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    That should be possible, but i think that we would have to add an extra option to remove the hideout if the player wants to spawn at the hospital again.
  19. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    I guess that's because we add new things to the mission AND fix bugs at the same time while other scriptors just add some minor things. As i said in one of my last post we are adding small things to the mission. As you said it is an _RPG_-Coop mission which means that i write scripts for Sahrani Life and can use them in another mission. As a result i'll try to find the bugs in Sahrani Life, fix them and after that i'm able to copy the script into another folder. Not much time is used for that. BTW i have to admit that i've never really played Evolution but it's not an RPG Coop Mission is it? Of course i started telling you that we will add nothing, after you told me everything (that was already on our list and posted in this topic) more than 1 time a day, because i wanted the spam to stop. In Version 1.10 we have added a lot of wishes which were posted in this topic and we still do not stop working on this mission and are including and fixing things. We still have a lot on our TODO list but we are working hard for the community. The only reason for the bad start of Version 1.10 seems to be the lag when a player connects and the NULL-Object error.
  20. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    I'm not sure if this is because of the mission, because i think that it says 'connected' when the player reaches the screen where he can select the slot so there's no script launched until then. AFAIK it's the time when the player uploads his custom sounds/faces and downloads the custom sounds/faces from other players. That's changed in the new Version: it will take more time until the player starves.
  21. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    Hm... it shouldn't be because of that script but it's of course alot of work for the server to check the distance to every city for every civ. Anyway i found a small bug in the script after the release yesterday and fixed it. I will test the script tomorrow, but right now i'm tired and going to bed :p gn8 and thx again for your support @all :)
  22. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    Ok i'll try to find that bug tomorrow... did you buy anything else before or did you use your money in any other way? The money bugs in the messages are often caused by problems in scripts that have been used before the "bug msg script". Thanks for your support :).
  23. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    I never had that bug since Version 1.10 (but i think it's because i never have time to test for more than 5 mins lol). I also did not saw any other report about this bug. Can you explain what you have done before getting the message?
  24. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    I didn't have much time today and it also seems that Fewo doesn't have much time too, so i'm trying to find and fix bugs on my own. Heres a list of what has been changed until now: - fixed: Boat and airlicense now work - fixed: Roadblock direction fixed - changed: player is able to use (! $ , ?) in edit boxes - added: Vehicleshop in Masbete sells normal Cars - added: Restaurantes und Garages - fixed: player can buy vehicles in the terrorhideout - changed: hunger raises slower - fixed: RPG ammo at Terror hideout - changed: players start with 8500 so they can afford a license, a vehicle and some items at start - changed: Some weapons are cheaper than in Version 1.1 (Rocket launchers) - some other internal fixes and changes, i hope to fix the that lag with these changes, but im still not sure why it occures It will not take long until we release the next Version. As i said before, it will be something that can be compared to the 1.01 patch for 1.0. The difference to that first bugged Version 1.0 is that no one was able to use another bugfree version so we had a lot of people who played it on public servers and reported us, when the bugs occured. Because everyone stays with Version 1.02 we will have to find the reason for all the bugs on our own, which of course takes time. The new Version 1.11 will be released in a fes days (i think that 2 or 3 days seem to be realistic release dates).
  25. Issetea

    Sahrani Life

    I often said, that we do not build things in, because we have no time for that. The reason for this is, that we always try to fix bugs first and then add new things to the mission. I also said that we will build them in later, after we have found and fixed the bugs ("We will build-in everything"). In Version 1.10 (for which we rewrote nearly every script of the mission) are of course some new bugs we had to discover after the release such as we found bugs in Version 1.0 after its release. We are already working on a new Version which will be something like the 'patch' from 1.0 to 1.01 in which the most important bugs were fixed, some small things adjusted/added and players were able to enjoy the mission. The encoding of the mission has two reasons: The first reason are the multiple edits of this mission which result in a lot of different Versions and Version numbers (such as 0.5x...), the removed Intro and more bugs. Of course there are also some 'good' edits, but we saw too many edits that shouldn't exist. The second reason for the latest additional 'encryption' has been the cheat report in this topic: We have been told that the cheater is able to change the Value of the money variable, so we try to make the different variables harder to find. In addition to that i have to say again that we do not stop working on this mission and we fix the bugs and add the new content as fast as possible. It won't take too long until we release the next version of Sahrani Life. For now, following things have been fixed today: - Boat and Air license work - Restaurantes and Garages added to the important places (nearly every City) - player is able to use: ! ? , $ in edit boxes - vehicles are sold at terrorcamp (that already should have worked in version 1.1) - Roadblock did not its right direction - some minor bugfixes More fixes and more content will follow. Further, we hope to be able to adjust more things such as the prices while having another closed test tomorrow. We do not need much time to fix these small things but there are so many small things we wrote down that we just don't have the time to release a 100% perfect and bugfree mission within a few weeks. Please think of making an own mission instead of stealing more than 1 year of hard work from us.