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Everything posted by IDF-Godzilla

  1. IDF-Godzilla

    RH weapons

    a Tavor-21 would be nice.
  2. IDF-Godzilla

    RKSL Studios

    If it's not too much of an ask, i would realy like the RKSL team to make a texture of the Israeli Air Force C-130/J (the J model is part of our purchase list in the next 5 years). The C-130 model is perfect, i hope the IAF texture will be made.
  3. IDF-Godzilla

    Hezbollah faction?

    xira, your brother is ain't no soldier but a terror organization member. I support ITZHACK's decision, it won't be wise to create an IDF side for this game because of internal security reasons, you never know who will end up using them. Ban me if you guys want, you know i'm right.
  4. IDF-Godzilla

    WIP: stuff you are working on!

    Merkava IV. Work in progress.
  5. IDF-Godzilla

    Model polycounts

    Hi, I'm looking for some info about the model polycounts the game can handle, anyone can guide me to a good source of information regarding this?
  6. IDF-Godzilla

    Vilas' addons

    Guys how about making some Israeli units? Make some Olive-Green textures on some existing units, Humvee and Blackhawk helicopter. Most of the weapons are M16's and M4's. Here are some pictures: Do to forum rules, this image is more then 100kb's so click it to open it, this is the humvee. http://img373.imageshack.us/img373/1773/hammer001wk1.jpg
  7. IDF-Godzilla

    Bushmaster IMV

    Nice renders but i think the wheels are way over detailed for a video game, you should not make these kind of tires with that amount of detail, a more simple cylinder would do the job .
  8. IDF-Godzilla

    Ukrainian army truck - KRAZ

    Any news about progress with the BTR-4 model i sent you?
  9. IDF-Godzilla

    LCWF Mod For ArmA

    Please show more pictures of that K1A2 tank, it's awesome!
  10. Hey everybody, i decided to start working on a new APC for ArmA, this is the BTR-4 APC that is being used in the Ukrainian armed forces and is highly modified vehicle with many versions. I'm thinking on adding it to the Saharani forces in game.
  11. I remember seeing a video of the ADF mod for OFP about their "Tiger" attack helicopter loading different loads of weapons on its pylons with the help of an ammo truck, i mean, it can load the needed weapons to suit the mission, making it more realistic. Can it be made ingame for the AV-8B or other aircraft such as the AH-Z?
  12. IDF-Godzilla


    Dude these are amazing .
  13. IDF-Godzilla

    Logical South Sahrani Kits

    I think one unit of C-17 will cost like the whole armies of the north and south of the island.
  14. IDF-Godzilla

    Modelling & Limits

    Around the same as Battlefield 2.
  15. IDF-Godzilla

    Logical South Sahrani Kits

    You got a wild imagination my friend .
  16. IDF-Godzilla

    Logical South Sahrani Kits

    I don't think South Saharani should have tanks, you said it yourself that it got only 650 troops :P. Instead of tanks, give them more M113 types, maybe better trucks and jeeps for quick security and not use tanks. Besides, the Sheridan is not an MBT, its more of a fire support vehicle, the thing is made of aluminum, can't even stop 12.7mm bullets, not to mention RPG's/mines and fight against other armor.
  17. IDF-Godzilla

    ADF troops (WIP)

    Nice work, but the texture needs some fixing, here, maybe these pictures will give help you! http://www.defence.gov.au/media/download/2006/Dec/20061219.cfm http://www.defence.gov.au/media/download/2006/Dec/20061204.cfm http://www.defence.gov.au/media/download/2006/Dec/20061204a.cfm Can't wait to see some of these troops in ArmA!
  18. IDF-Godzilla

    anybody up for making a merkava 4?

    I don't think you will see any good pictures of the interior of these tanks, although i do have photos of the interior but of the Merkava 3 tank. Pictures like these are taken very seriously by the IDF because they are still "classified" information.
  19. IDF-Godzilla

    Logical South Sahrani Kits

    Here are some things i would like to see in the South Saharani forces: 1. Steyr AUG as the primery assault rifle. 2. FN Minimi Para for the Machinegunner (basicly make him an Automatic Rifleman) 3. Some Bell 412 or UH-1 "Iroquois" helicopters would be nice.
  20. IDF-Godzilla

    anybody up for making a merkava 4?

    Say again? This is the most weirdest thing i ever heard dude, a tank that can't be transported (except from the German 'Maus").
  21. IDF-Godzilla

    Finnish Defence Forces Mod

    What about some reskined MI-8's?
  22. IDF-Godzilla

    anybody up for making a merkava 4?

    Hey everyone, about the Merkava project, i had some progress with the new hull for the Merkava 3B model, it will be featured in the LoBo mod for ArmA. Basically i remodeled the hull entirely and modeled a new 120mm gun that looks more like the gun on the Merkava 3 and 4 variants Enjoy.
  23. IDF-Godzilla

    LCWF Mod For ArmA

    Looks great! Too bad we can't see the entire K1 tank .
  24. IDF-Godzilla

    BTR-4 Armoured Personnel Carrier

    Made some progress with the interior. Sorry for the poor render.
  25. IDF-Godzilla

    BTR-4 Armoured Personnel Carrier

    Here is the link i used for reference, it got all the information you need about the vehicle. http://www.morozov.com.ua/eng/body/btr4.php?menu=m1.php Small update, the "Fire Support" version is ready.