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Intrepidus <TZW>

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About Intrepidus <TZW>

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  1. Intrepidus <TZW>

    CR CTI help for beginner mission maker

    I'm trying to add additional weapons and ammo to your CTI, cleanrock. I've tried many things, but nothing works. I'm trying to add the following weapon, BAS_JM4ACOG and its ammo, JAM_W556_30mag to the following lines of code without success? Perhaps you could point me in the right direction? equipDefs set [_type, ["M16 Mag", 2, "west", isGeneral, 1, "M16", "\dtaExt\equip\m\m_m16" ]] atM16 = _type _type = _type + 1 weaponDefs set [_type, ["M16", 10, "west", wtPrimary, "M16", "\dtaExt\equip\w\w_m16", [[atM16,4],[atMortar,0]] ]] _type = _type + 1 Also I'm curious how I can make and add custom images of weapons, ammo, vehicles etc, so that you can see them within the barracks, light factory etc. Suggestions?
  2. Intrepidus <TZW>

    CR CTI help for beginner mission maker

    Could you be a little more detailed with your explanation? I'm not following you. Thanks.
  3. Intrepidus <TZW>

    CR CTI help for beginner mission maker

    cleanrock, could you point out my mistakes in this section of code: ; args: [unit, si] _unit = _this Select 0 _si = _this Select 1 ? (_si == siRangers): goto "EquipRangers" ? (_si == siBrits): goto "EquipBrits" ? (_si == siEast): goto "EquipEast" Exit #EquipRangers RemoveAllWeapons _unit _unit AddMagazine "M16" _unit AddMagazine "M16" _unit AddMagazine "M16" _unit AddMagazine "M16" _unit AddWeapon "M16" _unit selectWeapon "M16" _unit AddMagazine "LAWLauncher" _unit AddMagazine "LAWLauncher" _unit AddWeapon "LAWLauncher" _unit AddMagazine "HandGrenade" _unit AddWeapon "Binocular" ;_unit AddWeapon "NVGoggles" Exit #EquipBrits RemoveAllWeapons _unit _unit AddMagazine "JAM_W556_30mag" _unit AddMagazine "JAM_W556_30mag" _unit AddMagazine "JAM_W556_30mag" _unit AddMagazine "JAM_W556_30mag" _unit AddWeapon "UKF_SA80" _unit selectWeapon "UKF_SA80" _unit AddMagazine "LAW80" _unit AddWeapon "ukf_LAW80" _unit AddMagazine "HandGrenade" _unit AddWeapon "Binocular" ;_unit AddWeapon "NVGoggles" Exit #EquipEast RemoveAllWeapons _unit _unit AddMagazine "AK74" _unit AddMagazine "AK74" _unit AddMagazine "AK74" _unit AddMagazine "AK74" _unit AddWeapon "AK74" _unit SelectWeapon "AK74" _unit AddMagazine "RPGLauncher" _unit AddMagazine "RPGLauncher" _unit AddWeapon "RPGLauncher" _unit AddMagazine "HandGrenade" _unit AddWeapon "Binocular" ;_unit AddWeapon "NVGoggles" Exit The units with this section of code come out with the default loadouts for their class name. Not with the loadouts above.
  4. Intrepidus <TZW>

    CR CTI help for beginner mission maker

    RN Malboeuf, I must admit that I prefer the structures in WGL and the weather effects, as well as the armour ratios with armour, vehicles and aircraft. But pretty much ALL the small arms are not sighted properly. In fact, they're sighted quite abysmally.
  5. Intrepidus <TZW>

    CR CTI help for beginner mission maker

    Thanks salisan, cleanrock and others: I appreciate your tips, and so will all my buddies once I get to point where I thoroughly understand all of this. I've UNpbo-ed the correct mission, and easily see what .sqs files I'm needing. I'm sure I'll have more questions before I'm done though. ;) From what I've heard it's much easier to replace units and vehicles rather than adding additional vehicles and armaments to what's already there...
  6. Intrepidus <TZW>

    CR CTI help for beginner mission maker

    I appreciate all the helpful answers. Cleanrock, I've UNpbo-ed the following mission: mfcti_cr-4.1_everon.eden.pbo Is this what I should be refering to during my editing? I can't seem to get a handle on where to find what you refered me to. I don't see a "Common" Folder or those two .sqs files. Where are the following(?): unit (infantry and vehicles) definitions Common\InitUnitTypes.sqs structure type definitions Common\InitStructureTypes.sqs Where do I obtain your source code? Forgive me. I'm fairly new to editing CTI.
  7. Intrepidus <TZW>

    CR CTI help for beginner mission maker

    I'm very interested in editing the core CR CTI code so that I can add and remove units and vehicles, not to mention possible buildings, like that old observation tower with the .50 on top. The extremely tall metal tower. You've probably seen it. In particular, I'd like to add the following to the US side: http://www.ofp.bmj.pl/lotnictwo/SpecOpsPiper.zip I'd also like to add and possibly remove a few other vehicles. I also have some interest in subsituting the default US troops with possibly BAS units, or if it's possible add a combination of BAS troops with Project UK Forces (DPM Troop Pack 1). I'd like to add this to the Tonal map. Any suggestions, advice and/or help would be extremely appreciated. I'm guessing one of the first things I need to do is get my hands on the source code for CR... Anyway, thanks in advance!!
  8. I'm very interested in editing the core CR CTI code so that I can add and remove units and vehicles, not to mention possible buildings, like that old observation tower with the .50 on top. The extremely tall metal tower. You've probably seen it. In particular, I'd like to add the following to the US side: http://www.ofp.bmj.pl/lotnictwo/SpecOpsPiper.zip I'd also like to add and possibly remove a few other vehicles. I also have some interest in subsituting the default US troops with possibly BAS units, or if it's possible add a combination of BAS troops with Project UK Forces (DPM Troop Pack 1). I'd like to add this to the Tonal map. Any suggestions, advice and/or help would be extremely appreciated. I'm guessing one of the first things I need to do is get my hands on the source code for CR... Anyway, thanks in advance!!