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About InsaneDruid

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. InsaneDruid

    Patch 1.03 Satisfaction Survey

    The analogue throttle is really only for planes, not helicopters? ->bad
  2. And another long OFP/ARMA/ARMA2 Gamer that signs the list of the Bloom&Blur&DoF Haters! It's total unrealistic and kills immersion. Its a movie-reality effect. DOF: In reality, though dof occurs, the rapid changing of points that the eye focusses on makes dof MUCH less intense to be felt. Also, in reality you can choose to focus on long or short distances, whereas an artificial dof effect FORCES you what you see. Its a MOVIE effect. While it can be nice in a cutscene or a screenshot, it hinders actual gameplay. Bloom: also more of a movie effect, though bloom can occur when a really bright light source is present, the human eye can counteract this to a large degree, so its often MUCH less intense and you have some sort of control over it. Artificial bloom takes this control and makes it a movie world reality effect. Please tone it down and/or make it user selectable, best with an amount slider. MotionBlur: completely senseless, as "real" motion blur occurs automatically under the right and real circumstances. You just need a fast enough moving object and a high enough framerate to display this movement smooth enough. In reality, you can track a fast moving object with movements of body, head and eyes, so see the object that moves is rather clear and the background gets blurred. Or you focus on the background and the object gets blurred. An artifical motion blur takes away this control, and forces you what you can see. Nice for movies, but a killer for games. So please give us complete control over these effects. Let us turn then on and off, just how we like, and maybe give us a slider or acfg entry on how strong we want those effects. ARMA isn't a movie where a camera dictates what we see, what we see clearly or what we see blurred, and on what object in a scene whe shall focus. Its a Game where the player should decide if he looks and fokuses on the tree in the background or the bush in the foreground. Or his weapon or the sky. Please give this Freedom back to us.
  3. InsaneDruid

    ArmA Joystick Woes

    Copy on suggestion 2 and 3. Its kind of sad that ARMA can't handle multiple Devices. Especially on Choppers an additional Pedal would be VERY usefull, its a shame that this cannot be done since most pedals are standalone devices.
  4. InsaneDruid

    Vista 64Bit

    Arma ist quite the only game that has massive (and I mean massive) problems with vista. I have Vista64Bit and XP64bit (for I have 4Gigs Ram, so a 32Bit OS would not fit anymore), and ARMA is unplayable under Vista. Answer from the devs and the official forums "ARMA is not designed for vista" (whell thats true for all the other, older games, too, that don't bitch that much under vista). You will get stuttering up to a complete stand still+Crash after about 10 mins, unless you are limiting memory usage to something under 512MB (-maxmem command), still there is (less frequent) stuttering remaining. Last Patch did not work at all under Vista(64), unless Sony released a exe with a downgraded "copy protection" (i would call it "play protection and harassment for legal buyers and a lough for copykids"). (sys is a 3GHz C2D, 4Gigs PC800 Ram, 8800GTS)
  5. InsaneDruid

    8800 GTS users.

    Made the switch from a X1900XT to a 8800GTS. Main difference is that I now can play with shadows set to high with the same FPS the 1900 worked with shadows turned off completely. I play in 1680*1050, 2xFSAA, 16xAF, Shadows High, Postprocess Low (not for FPS issues, but I don't like DoF effects at all in any games, for I want to be able to focus my attention and get a clear image on ony part of the screen i want - just like in reality, where I look at, it's sharp, not blurred.), blood high, object detail normal, landscape detail low, shading low. 3500Meters of Sight. FPS are about 25-90, mostly about 30-40 during missions. CPU is a C2D running at 3000MHz. Real Issue with ARMA is that i won't run ok under vista, which all my other games do now (after some probs in the beginning).
  6. InsaneDruid

    Armed Assault Vista X64 issues

    1.08 crashes with c00000005 errors under vista 64bit here
  7. InsaneDruid

    Targetting from Heli's

    Thanks for the explanations. Now it seems logical. I never though about the engine beeing off or not. Which is a shame, since I playing OFP/ARMA since the day they came out.
  8. InsaneDruid

    Targetting from Heli's

    Speaking of helis, target locking and "next target".. im still trying to get behind the method the next target thingy works - along with the radar. I've set up a test mission, me as bluefor, spawning right next to an empty chopper (cobra or hokum, testet both). In about 3km range, i set up 6 shilkas as my targets, all as opfor. Thing is, the radar often does not show them, or only shows them as white "blobs", so that I can't get a lock on them with the "next target" function. Even if I can see and lock them manually with the nose cam of the hokum. If i fire at one (manually locked) shilka from high distance, then the remaining shilkas wil notice me, and THEN MY radar identifies them as enemies, giving me the "next target" option? Why is this? Why does the next target funktion only works after the enemy has seen me? I tried the same mission with the modification that I was spawning with an AI gunner in a flying cobra - in that case (nearly) all of the shilkas are marked as red dots in the radar, right from the very start right from the same location where the hokum radar shows nothing?
  9. InsaneDruid

    Graphic Problems

    Looks like the AF is "optimized" to bilinear AF. Turn off all AF "optimisations" in your GPU driver.
  10. InsaneDruid

    Thermal Paste and CPU

    I would NOT recommend it, as it MAY work with certain cpu/speed/cooler combinations, the risk of overheating and/or killing the cpu is quite high. Just use some cheap silicon paste or something.
  11. InsaneDruid

    Admin question

    SOLVED! Worked out 2 small issues: * some non-fdf addons (kegetys weapons etc) where installed (repeatedly ) incorrectly (we had put them in res/addons instead of addons - DOH! ) * on one server the installed missions where to much (nearly 200), reduced them to ca 70 Missions, and voila.. both server running flawlessly. Thanks for the answers anyway.
  12. InsaneDruid

    Admin question

    Yes, its a standalone server running dedicated. Further tests showed, that is all clear with a new-from scratch install of OFP+Resistance, but with FDF, the problems occur.
  13. InsaneDruid

    Admin question

    We have currently the same problem on 2 DSL-based miniserver, that we set up because our main server is beein maintenanced. Setup: Lan with Server and one Client <DSL router > 2-3 Clients connection from Inet. Problem: The users connectiong from outside cannot admin the server, as a #missions only results in a "waiting for server" screen for them. Also "monitor" doesnt work for them, but "userlist", login / logout work. The user inside the LAN, can admin without these problems, and if he is the admin, the connecting users can play without problems. The router forwards 2302-2304 udp+tcp, but also tests were made with 2300-2400 udp+tcp. With or without mission in the server cfg.. the problem still persists. Any ideas?
  14. InsaneDruid

    Red Hammer Studios

    Thank you.. Didn´t know that. Now its clear to me.
  15. InsaneDruid

    Red Hammer Studios

    And again, it´s me with a question regarding the T55. On which side the gunner is sitting? If i sit in the T55, looking around me, I sit on the left side (I can see the right hatch and behind me the left hatch). But if I turn out as a commander (I can´t turn out as a gunner? Why? On the T64 its working), Im sitting ALSO on the left side of the turret. So my questions are: why can´t the T55 gunner turn out (is looks "cool" driving around with all man turned out and why turns the commander out on the side the gunner seems to be sitting (when looking from inside)?