I have a dream. I want to have a mission, where you're 008 and then you're going to murder 007.
Anyway, I need to know how (using only the init field and no scripting in notepad) to have a car (Mini) start off falling in the sky, just like HALO. then afterwards, the mini will have a parachute. The mini will then be safely guided down by the parachute. And then I want to be able to drive the car when I land. and my mission will go on and on.
1)My real question is how do you (using the init field only) start a vehicle or a person up really really high.
2)And my second question is if it is possible (with only init field) to have the car(Mini) deploy a parachute. I'm so new that I haven't figured out how to use  FlyInHeight (because I start at the same height all the time when I set it to 500, it starts at 50) and setPos (I just don't get how to use it).
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advanced.
[EDIT]: I forgot to add that I've searched lots of tutorials on the subject and never got an answer. This forum is my last resort.