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Everything posted by InfernoMDM

  1. InfernoMDM

    Spetnaz shovels and geting into cars

    Alright well lets go over some discrepincies in the game. First its not Spet Nats its (in english) spetsnaz. How do I know this you ask? well I am taking a martial arts that comes from the Spetsnaz called systema. If anyone wants some brief info about it you can look up russian martial arts there are a few martial arts like systema sambo etc. Just look around. Next thing I was reading the deal about trenches and guys carring shovels. Well the spetnaz carry a shovel and can do amazing thing with it. One thing is silent kills also they through the thing like a throwing axe and most people drop there guns and step aside. If you guys from the company read this I have some books etc where you can find out more about the spetsnaz if you want to make the game more accurate. Also one other complaint (yes love the game just helping for glitches) why is when I kill someone I cant get into the vehicle like a truck. I shoot the drive but dont blow it up. I really would apreciate it if I could take care of that over sight. Thanks
  2. InfernoMDM

    Red hammer mission[hidden agenda]

    so what is the cute scene I am gonna miss since I beat that level with out catching the officers?