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Everything posted by InQUisiToR

  1. InQUisiToR

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    its Sigma-6 T-72, reskinned with textures from fdf mod and some model improvements by me
  2. InQUisiToR

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    RHS T55 (textures from 1. release) soldier textures by Edge
  3. InQUisiToR

    M1A2 Abrams SEP

    bang, bang
  4. InQUisiToR

    M1A2 Abrams SEP

  5. InQUisiToR

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    never use beta ForceWare drivers!
  6. InQUisiToR

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    mp5k and m82 are from king homer´s pack, i made just a few improvements
  7. InQUisiToR


    v1.1 now online thx to raedor
  8. InQUisiToR


    I can answer that one; no, as said before a million times; it isen't possible due to engine-limitations. yes, thats right the disco jeep has more static headlights, but its not possible to animate a headlight with the turret i tried it --->
  9. Bugfixes/Improvements in INQ_WeaponPack v1.1 ==================================== - New Weapons (P08, M79, MP5A4) No new SVD in this pack, because i did not get permission to release it - Seperate pbo´s for weapons and soldiers - New sounds for Skorpion and Mac10 - New realistic recoils for all weapons - ACOG zoom fixed - Shotgun ammo was too strong - Crosshair texture on Aimpoint fixed - Weaponpositions in hands fixed - M16 barrel fixed - New Aimpoint optic for G36C SD - Wrong optic for AK-74SU fixed - GP30 Sound improved - Mac10 for Sniper - Missing texture on Ammobox fixed - New optic for XM1014 - And some more... Download here! Improvements in INQ_Mod v1.1 ======================= - New realistic recoil for standard weapons - Resistance Grenadier equipped with M79 and Mac M10 - More custom inventory pics - Now new sound for SVD and PK - Pilot equipped with MP5 - zip file contains a decoded config.cpp (INQconfig.cpp), you can see now wich changes are made and you can use this config for your own changes (replacing standard RPG-Nh75 launcher with Kegety´s RPG-7 is cool!) Download here! Need mirrors or site will be down soon!
  10. InQUisiToR

    Httv released

    Addon contains 3 Units: HTTV (Wood with M2); HTTV (Desert with Mk19); Mk19 static grenadelauncher Sucheys Marines required! DOWNLOAD Â BIG THX TO WAFFENDENNIS! Mirrors needed!
  11. InQUisiToR

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    The camo on Sucheys Naval Infantry is really russian (just a little bit dark). But Naval Infantry has this Camo:
  12. InQUisiToR

    Winter usmc

    i think it looks better if only the uniforms have new camo - just a suggestion
  13. InQUisiToR

    Stoner rilfe sr-25

    A small addon. The idea was to replace the ugly SR-25 in the BAS Weaponpack (for private use of course). The model is new and made by me, only bipod model and some small parts are CS conversions! The textures are from CS, and all original authors is given credits. Addon is JAM v2 compatible (see ReadMe for details). Addon contains a Black OP equipped with SR-25 and Ingram and a table with SR-25 (see picture). This table works like an ammobox. Happy sniping!
  14. InQUisiToR

    Project a-10

    I´m working on a new A-10. Currently only the Cockpit is finished. I made a video wich shows the cockpit and you can hear some new sounds. Download Video (8.24 MB) some beta screens:
  15. InQUisiToR

    Stoner rilfe sr-25

    minimum specs are a sales argument to tempt people to buy a game what they never can play i prefer quality and quality needs power
  16. InQUisiToR

    Project a-10

    yes, it´s a beta!