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About Istari

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  1. Istari

    Cannot install ofp:r - bin/ijl15.dll ?

    Thanks for the quick replies, but unfortunately, it looks like I may be stuck. The only advice I see after reading all the forums and FAQ is to install OFP first, upgrade to v1.46, then install OFPR. However, I sold my OFP and kept OFPR, thinking it was a standalone version I could use to continue playing. Do I need to go out and buy an old copy of OFP (original) again? Grrrr... (As for the advice in the FAQ and other threads to just copy the ijl.dll file manually, remember that the OFPR installer fails during installation due to this file. It aborts the installation and there's no OFP/Res/etc folder to access.)
  2. I'm diving back into OFP after a prolonged absence, and want to try some of the fan-created mods. I tried loading Battle for Hokkaido, but it needed v1.91. So I tried patching my 1.85 to 1.91, but it froze during the patching process everytime. So I figured I'd uninstall and start from scratch, patch up to 1.91, then add the User Mods. Unfortunately, now I can't even install OFP:R from a clean start - it gives me the following error everytime at the very end of the installation process "Error installing OFP/bin/ijl15.dll" - then it exits the installation without finishing. What can I do? I have no idea where to start to fix this problem and begin playing OFP again. Thanks Istari
  3. Istari

    Cheats in Red Hammer?

    Ok guys, Went back and replayed the mission, using the "Savegame" cheat to save progress along the way. While I didn't need to use the Saved position (as you say, once you know the pattern, it's easier to beat), it was nice to have the security. I was still a little irked over having to redo the entire mission from scratch when I had all but beaten it the first time. BTW - I used up all the rockets because I was firing solo from the front seat without a copilot - for some reason, the salvos fire +much+ faster than if you are "manual firing" over an AI gunner in the R seat. It's easy to burn through 192 if you're just learning to fly the Hip and chasing tanks across the ground in that mode. Thanks to all who offered help above. I guess though that there isn't an ENDMISSION cheat for Red Hammer, as you all appear to use only the SAVE cheat alone. Well, I've finished "Assasination" and am off to the next... Regards, Istari
  4. Istari

    Cheats in Red Hammer?

    What's with the pissing contest around here? Anytime someone asks for help on this forum, they're invariably told to shoot better, try harder, that they suck, etc. Dude, just be nice and help rather than trying to show off how big your rocks are. Please. I know damn well I had 192 rockets, in truth I sure as hell didn't expect them to ADD another surprise objective to the end of the mission, so I used up the rockets learning how to fly the Hip and having great fun laying waste to the entire column without choosing my shots carefully. Had I known that there was another f---n column, I would have picked my shots and conserved ammo. Loopy, thanks for the advice on the FAQ, but unfortunately, that's exactly what I tried (SHF-MINUS "ENDMISSION") and it failed me and forced me to start over. It won't let me progress forwards. Has this cheat been disabled for Red Hammer or is there something else to do here? Chris
  5. Istari

    Cheats in Red Hammer?

    Playing Red Hammer and enjoying the improved storyline and cutscenes - great job BIS! However, I was playing a mission in the middle of the Red Hammer campaign ("Grounded") and basically had all but one objective beaten... ** SPOILERS ** After 90 minutes invested in RL, I had taken down the entire fuel truck base, stolen the fuel truck, refueled the Hip, smashed the first convoy (using up all but 5 rockets, presuming that was the only target in the mission), then picked up the squad. THEN Eagle gives me another armored column to shoot up. 1st, that's not realistic to send a Hip full of troops and armed with rockets against an armored column with a Vulcan, certainly not a 2nd time! 2nd, I was out of 57mm rockets. So I said "screw this, I've all but beaten this mission anyway, let's get on with it" ** END SPOILERS ** and hit SHIFT-MINUS "ENDMISSION" (from the Gamespot site). This worked once before in OFP to finish the mission as a victory and move on, but now it ended the mission with a Failure! Now I'm back to square 1. Look, I don't want to invest another nearly 2 hours of real life playing this mission again - I all but beat it the first time and want to move on with the story. Does anyone know how to skip forward through this mission in Red Hammer? The Gamespot cheat doesn't appear to work. Any help appreciated, Chris