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Everything posted by IPWinsor

  1. In the single player missions and campaigns I have played, you get a driver, a gunner, etc. In MP, you are on your own. I can drive, but then I can't seem to figure out how to target and fire the gun. I can command, but then there isn't a driver, so I don't move. Please point me to the information I need. Many thanks (or tanks!.
  2. I have tried running to the machine gun as soon as the mission starts - I get shot. I try waiting until I am ordered to the M2 - I get shot as soon as I mount the gun. I try being an infantryman for a while and shooting bad guys with my M16 before going to the M2 - I get shot as soon as I fire some rounds from the M2, usually by some guy in the bushes way down the beach. I seem to last longer if I wait until the rest of my guys go over the crest and head down the beach. Â I guess the bad guys have more targets to worry about. Is there some tactic to using the M2, given that I can't crouch or move while using it? Â I tried using the sandbags for cover, but they got me eventually. i have been stuck on this mission for a long time. Â Help!?!?!!?