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About Illicit

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  1. Illicit

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    Well, looks like it'll be Xbox 360 for me until I can be bothered to upgrade. Mind you, if they can get it to use a mouse + keyboard on the 360 version that wouldn't be so bad, but there'll be no modding scene for the 360. Time to get my saving pants on again. Alot of 360 games to get (RB6:V2, GTA:IV etc) and a new PC. When will it end! Looks awesome though, really worth the investment I think. I just wish they'd make the soldiers look a bit more...modern, like CMcD 1st Infantry, also a bit of a multi-national effort wouldn't go amiss.
  2. Illicit

    Bizarre resolution problems

    My post was made in relation to that one. The AthlonXP 3200+ would be cheap, but give an way better performance than the currently used AthlonXP 2400+. Yeah, i found a 3700+ 64/Mobo bundle that I can just transfer my current Ram and GCard over to for 70 quid. Pretty cheap and will keep me happy until I really need to upgrade. Having a 1300Mhz high rating should help out a little I think and atleast stop the CPU bottlenecking the Graphics, which is what was happening. Edit* It came!! So now instead of running with everything on very low, low or off. I have everything (except post process - low) on normal. Not exactly high but considering how good it looks now compared to how it did look, I'm more than pleased. Very smooth and the loading stuttering has disappeared aswell (eg when flying over Ortego or Corazol).
  3. Illicit

    Bizarre resolution problems

    Thanks for the suggestion, I did a little looking around and came across somethign that might fit the bill perfectly. It's an AMD Athlon 64 3700+ with a MSI K8T Neo2-F motherboard that supports AGP x8 and DDR 266, so i can basically just move my existing graphics card and ram over onto it. I'm so pleased right now
  4. Illicit

    Bizarre resolution problems

    Thanks for the suggestions guys. I've got the 1.09b patch + Kegetys' Lowplants installed and have noticed a fair improvement. Guess I'll just have to save for a few months and get a new PC. Thanks again
  5. Hi, I've recently got a copy of ARMA Gold (1.08) and set it to 1280x1024 pretty much instantly. Whilst having varying success with my frames per second, I really wanted much better performance. So I lowered the resolution down to 1024x768 and for some reason I get absolutely no performance gain at all, even at 640x480 it stays the same. Does anyone know the reason for this or a way of fixing it or am I alway going to be stuck with mediocre performance until the time I upgrade. Any help is much appreciated. Specs are as follows Athlon XP 2400+ 1gb Ram Nvidia 7600GS w/whql 91.47 drivers
  6. Illicit

    Damned errors

    Hi, i have recently made an MP5SD6 (from scratch), textured and saved, i have a simple config.cpp and binarized my addon, but when i get around to playing it, i get a "cannot load object pkcsd6.p3d. Is there something that may need to be done in o2 to rectify this problem, or is it something to do with the fact i imported from Studio Max. (i was following a tutorial by bbresb or someone, and only have 0.000 and memory LOD's) Any help at fixing would be great