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Everything posted by INVISO


    ONTOS M50

    The M40 is a 106mm recoiless rifle. On the Ontos, the 2 lower gun can be dismounted for ground troops use, and the 4 top gun are fixed with a M8C .50 "spotting" rifle on top of each. While hatch down, the drive can use a angular telescopic sight (Roughly the same as any OFP vehicule) The gunner have at his disposal the same telescopic sight with a added optic target/rangefinder. I've found the real boresight drawing. I will make a new one based on that one. I just need the spec to make a new texture. Somebody can tell me?

    ONTOS M50

    Ok, thanks for the O2 installation, I found brsseb's tutorial. Very useful. Update: Ok, I got my model in O2. Everything is almost OK. Just a few artefacts that I will correct. Need to reset Xform some objects.

    ONTOS M50

    Yeah I know KyleSarnik, It could be complicated. I just want to find the good balance between playability and realism, that all. So the players can use "real" tactic to operate this vehicule or bust it out with a RPG. Whatever, keep the good work. Btw, can someone tell me how to make a good O2 installation (A simple step by step) ? I d/l everything but there's something about virtual drive, and a lot of people seem to have problem installing/working with O2. Thanks.

    ONTOS M50

    Not bad Blink Dog, i'll see what I can do with this. Even if it's more decorative than useful, I like realism. KyleSarnik, fine. I'll reinstall Oxygen and and start you over. For the loader... there's not. You're suppose to go outside and load it manually. Some scripter said that was a bit difficult, so they suggest to make the reload time quite longer. And, since you can fire 1 by 1 or all at ounce... well. As for me, I would like the player to go outside and pound some 106mm AND exposing himself, to trully catch the strenght but the weakness also. Anyway. For the gun holder, not a bad idea. But first thing first. I will add new wheels with more vertices. Mooooore to come folks

    ONTOS M50

    Ok KyleSarnik, by the way .30 was Korea war era and the .50 was 'nam era. KyleSarnik, if I send you the 3DS model with all the 8.3 textures and stuff, will It be OK?

    ONTOS M50

    Sorry about the picture size placebo... I'll put some smaller picture. Here we go again... New perspective corrected textures based on a real model... New "flaked" OD color and some rigging... Building the "crapped" interior... I would appreciate if anyone can send some good picture about... -60's car battery 12v/24v -.50 ammo case more to come... thanks you all

    ONTOS M50

    Thank you Ironsight.

    ONTOS M50

    I will wait before putting the M40 106mm. I'll see if I will model some new ones or use something that is already done. More later.

    ONTOS M50

    Here's another one... [im]http://www.prelogik.com/temp/screenshot07.jpg[/img]>100kb
  10. INVISO

    ONTOS M50

    As promess... [ig]http://www.prelogik.com/temp/screenshot04.jpg[/img]>100kb The interior will be more coherent to original 1953 spec sheets with added hull struts, ammo casing, etc. This will still be a crapped interior (Just look at some real Ontos pictures on Google) Comments are welcome.
  11. INVISO

    ONTOS M50

    Good, since there's renewed interest in my model, i'm workin' on a improved model based on the old one. Only some textures fixes and some geometry added, since I don't want to mess up with people doing some scripting. What some people suggest: -Retextured OD camo -Desert camo -Resistance version -A wreked version -Hypotetic Improved armor (Reactive, Blazer...) -Hypotetic 106mm with autoloader Anyway, even if I'm canadian, I try to honor some of the crewmen who served in anti-tank battalions back in 'nam. It's not a easy model due to angular problem and references pictures are, at best OK. Interior pictures are worse. I'll send some pictures later. Thank you all.
  12. INVISO

    ONTOS M50

    Well, thanks to you all. I know I can count on you. Even is this is a model I did more than a year ago, I think it's still a good 3D model and a scripting challenge. Anyway, like I said before, let's put this baby on track.
  13. INVISO

    Ontos m50a1

    Well, I decide to release a public test of my work. http://www.prelogik.com/fr/medias/tbrp01.jpg You will need the seb NAM PACK 2 And the M50A1 "Ontos"... M50A1 "Ontos" http://www.prelogik.com/fr/medias/m50a1ontos2.pbo put that in your RES/ADDONS folder SP MISSION (Copy and paste) www.prelogik.com/fr/medias/INVISO-Black root's path.seb_iatrang.pbo put that in your MISSION folder UPDATE: I made some minors corrections on the model and on the SP mission cutscene. Fire at will! Well, i'm waitin' for some feedback on that!
  14. INVISO

    Ontos m50a1

    While reading through many vietnam era's Ontos crewmembers (good one here: http://ontosf.homestead.com/austin2.html logs and commentaries, the beehive shell was a killer. Even on today's modern standard. So, I still don't know how to implement a scattering direct fire round for now, but the OFP community is quite good at building "strange" scripts. God, you could be crapped in that thing! Maybe I'll forget about adding a extra cargo space... hehe
  15. INVISO

    Ontos m50a1

    To EvilMadcat . Yes the back doors are ready to be animated. I just need to find the right LOD in O2. That's all. I will also add a extra cargo space for another crew member since the Ontos was initially manned be a 3 members crew. But was later downed to 2 to give more space for the 106mm ammunition.
  16. INVISO

    Ontos m50a1

    To Hellfish6. Yes, the mass of the vehicule is slightly low. I forgot the ammo, crew, fuel and stuff in my calculations. For now, as a test I use the t55 gun profil and only on one barrel. I will find some real specs about the M40A1 Recoiless rifle and yes, I will find a way to fire all the 6 guns. (As its suppose to be). I'm not sure about the MG... there is plenty of addons regarding that matter. So, maybe I will simply make one... or use one that is already done. Maybe I will find a script to put either a .50 or a M60. Since, i'm still learning all the complicate process of scripting a model for the OFP engine, I based my scripting on the t55. This will be changed later for a "real" Ontos profil. To Mountain. Yes, I use the site you were refering :"Mike's Ontos restoration". Helped me a lot. Good res pictures. Thank you all for your interest in this addons. It will improve the quality of my future releases. I hope that the intro cutscene was good too. That was my first attempt. Well more to come later. Stay tune!
  17. INVISO

    Ontos m50a1

    I know there's some problems about the driver and gunner pos EvilMadcat. And yes, this is already corrected. About informations for scripting a tracked vehicule, PSC helped me alot. Bobcatt666, you can find some more following those links; brsseb's OFP addons tutorials http://ofp.info/brsseb/ Colonel Klink's tutorial page http://www.dc3d.co.nz/Tutorials/index.htm EDITING FAQ Version 1.14 http://members.lycos.co.uk/bloodmixer/tutorial_editing_faq_114.html
  18. I world like to know how to make your own picture (In this case, my mission's title) show when a trigger is activated. TGA, GIF... what about the alpha channel and the size of the picture. Those kind of questions. Thanks in advance!
  19. INVISO

    Trigger's ressource

    Ok... I found some nice informations here: http://members.lycos.co.uk/bloodmixer/tutorial_editing_faq_114.html Maybe that will help somebody else.
  20. I would like to know how to make your own picture (In this case, my mission's title) show when a trigger is activated. TGA, GIF... what about the alpha channel and the size of the picture. Those kind of questions. Thanks in advance!
  21. INVISO

    Gunner's reticle change

    I think the code look correct. But, what must I do in O2? Build a plane in the front view? Something special in LOD? I'm using a 512x512 PAA picture. It seem ok. But for the rest...
  22. I Made some searches about the CONFIG.CPP and found the "gunnerOpticsModel=" Does someone know how to use this? Thanks
  23. INVISO

    Ontos m50a1

    First of all, before modeling, you have to go through some research... finding pictures, texts, sounds... Then after, you go for some test on the 3D model. When ressources (like pictures references) are in bad shape (low res, hard angles...) you have to improvise with skill. That's all. Then after a few tests on the field, you make some corrections and... Voila! Users feedback and historical accuracy is imperative for a succesfull design. I when through a lots of difficulties with this model because, first, the lack of ressources and, even if the model look simple, there is a lots of strange angle (Upper hull corner, uneven fender and the turret rig) I think this is the first workin' 3D model of a M50 "Ontos" ever put on a game. Anyway, it's a lot of fun to put some challenge on the board. hehe. I'm workin' on a small mission, must I say, a "test drive" mission for that beast since i'm also upgrading my "cutscene" skill. Hope to release something later this evening. I need some feedback on my work.
  24. INVISO

    Ontos m50a1

    UPDATED IMAGE A few days ago, I step on that strange armor while browsing on the web and find it very interesting. The turret rigging is quite complex, so i'm trying to figure out how to do something nice and realistic out of it. There are some pictures to work with, but no blueprint with exact dimension. So any advices or nice blueprints can be send to my email. You can see want I did so far... http://www.prelogik.com/fr/medias/Ontos01b.jpg
  25. INVISO

    Ontos m50a1

    I made some correction... less blue and more red/yellow. Now it look like real OD.