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About Hellop

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  1. Hi Sakura-chan, thanks for the reply. I assume you mean that there are lightning strikes when it rains. But, do you know how to make them using a particle effect? -Thanks
  2. New version 0.0.0.c up and running. Burning buildings should be working. Search for Thug-Life under team on the Arma game Browser.
  3. I joined some mission and I saw lightning during a storm. Also, there are references to lightning in the OFP pages on the wiki. Is it possible to create lightning in Arma? References: This page references two "thunderbolt" classnames for ofp: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki....laneous This page gives an example to create a thunderbolt: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ParticleArray Any ideas? Maybe the "SPARKSEFFECT" particle effect?
  4. Hellop

    Speedhack - very fast running

    Here, play with my nitro script from my mission, CSI-Saharani. Â It is for vehicles, but you might be able to get some ideas for people. Â You might not be able to use it on people, though, because if you bump the ground going too fast the arma engine will damage you based on your velocity... and so you might die. Here ya go: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> /*cliS_actionNitro.sqf By: Hellop 2008 Copyright: Released to the Public Domain. Â It would be cool if you gave me credit in your mission if you use it. Purpose: Simulate Nitrous Oxide speed-boost for vehicles. Â Sets global variable on client computer, cli_nitroLock so that the nitro can't be engaged more than once at at time. Pre: 1. Global var: cli_nitroLock = true; 2. Player's vehicle has an action menu item enabled that runs this script. e.g. in the initline of a car/tank: this addEventHandler ["getin", { if ((_this select 1) == "driver") then { actionIDNitro = _this select 0 addAction ["Nitro", "client\action\cliS_actionNitro.sqf"]; Â }; }]; this addEventHandler ["getout", {_this select 0 removeAction actionIDNitro;}]; Post: cli_nitroLock is set to true; Testing: 5 min. reverse doesn't work. Â Would be nice if it worked dynamically from vehicle weight/maxspeed. Air Vehicles not tested. */ private ["_obj", "_vel", "_tmrInterval", "_dir", "_maxSpeed"]; _actionID = _this select 2; _obj = vehicle player; //Tanks and stuff get less nitro. _tmrInterval = .1; _maxSpeed = 120; _speedMultiplier = .4; //2 is good for cars, too much for tanks _nitroDuration = 5; if ((typeOf _obj) isKindOf "Car") Â then { _tmrInterval = .02; _maxSpeed = 180; _speedMultiplier = 1.5; }; if ((typeOf _obj) isKindOf "Air") then { _tmrInterval = .02; _maxSpeed = 500; Â //What is best val here? _speedMultiplier = .3; }; if ((typeOf _obj) isKindOf "Motorcycle") then { _tmrInterval = .02; _maxSpeed = 140; Â //What is best val here? _speedMultiplier = .2; }; //Initialize vars; _vel = 0; _velX = 0; _velY = 0; _velZ =0; _dir = 0; _sinDir = 0; _cosDir = 0; _previousVel = velocity _obj; _previousSpeed = speed _obj; _curSpeed = 0; if ((speed _obj) <= 3) then { player sideChat format ["You must be moving to activate Nitro."]; } else { Â Â if (cli_nitroLock) then { cli_nitroLock = false; player sideChat format ["Nitro Engaged."]; //player globalchat format["Time: %1, Vehicle Type: %2, MaxSpeed: %3", time, typeOf _obj, _maxSpeed]; _startTime = time; _tmpSpeedMultiplier = _speedMultiplier; while {(time - _startTime) < _nitroDuration} do { sleep _tmrInterval; _vel = velocity _obj; _curSpeed = (speed _obj); if (((abs _curSpeed) - (abs _previousSpeed)) > 30) then {_vel = _previousVel}; Â //To prevent getting thrown far in collisions _velX = _vel select 0; _velY = _vel select 1; _velZ = _vel select 2; _dir = getdir _obj; //player globalChat format ["Speed: %1", speed _obj]; if ((speed _obj) > _maxSpeed) then {_tmpSpeedMultiplier = 0} else {_tmpSpeedMultiplier = _speedMultiplier}; _sinDir = _tmpSpeedMultiplier*(sin _dir); _cosDir = _tmpSpeedMultiplier*(cos _dir); _obj setvelocity [_velX + _sinDir, _velY + _cosDir, _velZ -.1]; //Keep Z vector moving with gravity _previousSpeed = _curSpeed; _previousVel = _vel; }; cli_nitroLock = true; player sideChat format ["Nitro test Done! Ending Vel: %1. Dir: %2, Speed: %3", velocity _obj, direction _obj, speed _obj]; }; }; Well, I dunno why it doesn't autotab. Â I posted a formatted version on armaholic.com. Â You could go there and search for "nitro" if you want.
  5. Well, first try creating a another group member for your player without using an eventhandler to see if your createUnit command works. Â Like, put this in a script launched from an action menu: "soldierWPilot" createUnit [getMarkerPos "markerx", group player]; Also, try removing the first underscore and using "_this select 0", which contains the killed unit, instead of "player", which may be dead and have no group. player addEventHandler ["killed", {"soldierWPilot" createUnit [getMarkerPos "markerx", group (_this select 0)]}] Let me know if it works.
  6. Some more info: 1. Identity problems such as not keeping score correctly don't concern me, because I keep score separately, and I seem to be able to use setIdentity just fine. 2. Considering the above, if the "setPlayable" command worked on the dedicated server like it does on a local server, I would be finished. Maybe there is some secret I am missing. 3. Group respawn does seem to work ok, but: a. it will break if the new group member is killed before receiving a killedEventHandler, or if the client locks up, resulting in a seagull. b. I can find no way to have the mission visible in the arma game browser when no players are connected, which is very undesirable. It would be great of group respawn worked with the "Persistent" command. -----Anyone have a fix for this? Thanks everyone. Back to coding mayhem and magic.
  7. Thanks alot for your input on this topic. Â I take it you have spent some time with this issue before. Â Â Would you mind explaining what you mean by " ending or resetting the mission." Â What command can you issue to cause the group repawn mission to reload the mission and show up in the game browser even with no players connected? The following page mentions the Persistent=1 option in the server.cfg, and that it doesn't work on group respawn type. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Multiplayer Thanks again for your help.
  8. Also, group cannot be used because when all players disconnect the mission reverts to "Creating Mission" and not many people will see it in the game browser, and hence, no one will join.
  9. Snyide, thanks alot for the reply. I have tried what you are suggesting, but there are two issues. 1. Using the select player method works fine when I host a local server, i.e. single player. Â But, on a dedicated linux server, after you selectPlayer into a newly created unit, you will not be able to respawn. Â If you press respawn, or get killed you will just sit there dead, and all you can do is disconnect/reconnect. Respawn will work if you switchplayer into and existing playable unit, but that is not going to solve my problem. Â I need to be able to switch into newly created units. 2. Using the group method works fine, except sometimes the new unit doesn't get created fast enough and the player turns into a seagull. Â And then that slot is permanently a seagull for all JIP players. Â So, that's not really a workable option. -To solve that, I could always have another unit in the player's group, but he will send radio messages. Â Using the command "disable radio" works for most commands, but he will still say, "Where are you." all the time. -THE MAIN PROBLEM: Respawn quits working after you selectPlayer on a dedicated server. Â I think this has to do with a bug in the setPlayable command on a dedicated server. Because, on the local server, respawn works after you issue a "setPlayable player" command but not before. You just can't do this on a linux server. Any further input is appreciated. Â Thanks.
  10. The setPlayable command crashes a dedicated server, when the server issues the command. selectPlayer works, but then that player will not respawn, at all when killed. You just sit there like a disableUserInput command was issued. Does anyone know of a way to create a unit via scripting in a dedicated server and then switch into that unit?
  11. It's Christmas. The Thug-Life RPG mission is up and running. Look out for Thug-Life, and join. It's a team gametype, so you should be able to find it easy if you sort by gametype in the Arma game browser. Try joining a profession at one of the guilds. Try becoming a magic user and casting a spell on someone. Try burning down a few buildings and putting the fires out with the firetruck's water hose. Then post here and tell me what you think about it. Also, feel free to write what you think I should add next.
  12. Who want's the 1.15 patch for Christmas? Let the developers know that you want it! Please BI devs, can we have the 1.15 patch for Christmas? Pretty please? I'll clean my room and mow the lawn for free.
  13. Well, from what I saw, it seems that the actual "space" character was not the same width as the other chars. FYI...
  14. T_D, well, thanks for that. Â I loaded it up, and tried a few different sizes. Â You are right, that the spacing seems a bit off, so as to not make the font fixed-width. Â Especially on the smallest point, the spaces seem about half their proper size. Â <br><br> I looked at it with a hex editor... and couldn't figure out it. Â I just need like 10 and 12 point font. Â If you have to work out the bugs, please post again. Â Or any advice would be welcomed too... Â <br><br> Thanks again, -hellop
  15. Thanks for the thread, parent poster. You've made a good point, that you like the game well enough and only play SP. I'd like to offer a counterpoint. Just my opinion, but with all the possibilities that Arma provides with it's scripting/addons, I think there is a serious lack of good MP missions. There doesn't seem to be that much variety in the MP games, but I think there is room for more lower-player-count missions. Like 6-8 player missions that are heavily scripted with story lines, dialog, characters and objectives. You could practically make a playable movie with Arma, and I think the possibilities have not been fully utilized. Also, where are the weird missions? Star destroyers, the USS Enterprise, aliens, Dinosaurs, animals, melee combat, different worlds, altered physics?